EasyReport progress?

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

Hello Enrico,

For a web program, we need a server-side language and a client-side language.
Most of the pages use PHP / HTML / javascript today.

If we now start with mod harbour, we can use HARBOUR instead of PHP - also a lot of our existing source code.

It's a lot easier if you just have to learn HTML and js.

If you want to continue working with DBF, then mod harbour is a must anyway.

Best regards,

Tempi passati:

I developed 2002 tourenbuch.at, which had functions to share content. But I cared too much about privacy - we had a kind of double login. Ours was no success. But you still can access through WAYBACK MACHINE.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

many years ago I saw an application on the web that Enrico made and I assure you it was a beautiful application, very simple, it was a billing management if I remember correctly, do you still have it Enrico?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Otto wrote:If we now start with mod harbour, we can use HARBOUR instead of PHP

This will be true only when (and if) mod_harbour will come preinstalled on any web server (just like PHP, etc.). Currently it is of no use for me as I can't install it on the commercial web servers nor on the customer (company) ones.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »


Yes, that's the difference. We deliver software and hardware or hardware recommendations. If we tell our customers that we also need mod harbour installed, then it will be installed.

I think even if you have a "commercial web server", you can install whatever you want.

Only if you have a small web hosting package, it will not be possible.
I can see that the trend here is towards in-house hosting.
The companies like to have access to the data themselves.

You have to consider that a for many years desktop only developer cannot just start with web programming and believe that you he is productive from day one.

It takes months.
And here, it is easier if you only have to worry about HTML and JS .

And if we didn't believe in HARBOR and FIVEWIN, then we wouldn't be here.

I'm one of the few here whose children also work in the company and work with FWH. It is vital for them that we have a perspective.

Best regards,
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Otto wrote:I think even if you have a "commercial web server", you can install whatever you want.

Not true. No web space provider I know, neither any company, allows to install anything on their servers. Sorry, but that's the real thing.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »


Please look for "Dedicated Web Hosting".

BTW, you can also choose https://xbhosts.com. This server is ready to go for mod harbour.

Best regards,
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

This is exactly the problem: in order to use mod_harbour you must have your own server. This is not acceptable for a company that already have its server or its web space

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

Enrico, installing mod harbor is easy. And you can use practically any machine.
Best regards,

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

It's not a matter of installation simplicity. A commercial provider and a company just don't allow you to install anything on their server. That's all.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by cnavarro »

Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:It's not a matter of installation simplicity. A commercial provider and a company just don't allow you to install anything on their server. That's all.


Sorry, In all the servers that I have contracted, I am free to install what I need, among my needs, Apache, Php, MOD-HARBOUR, Harbour, and the tools I want.
I would never hire a hosting that does not allow me that freedom with "my server"
Cristobal Navarro
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

As I already wrote:

This is exactly the problem: in order to use mod_harbour you must have your own server.

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Carles »

Hi !

I think exactly the same about Enrico's words. "A commercial provider and a company just don't allow you to install anything on their server.", this is true.

I have been working for 20 years in a big company and everything related to servers, if they are not standard and approved modules, they practically send you out of the offices.
But I think that in this interesting thread there are many mixed topics and I would like to contribute my humble vision and I would base myself on another approach

Most users of here work in FWH and dbfs. Ok, ok, I know that many use different databases such as mysql, Oracle, ... but I speak in general.

I repeat, in general, most of the programs of my colleagues here are designed for small (perhaps medium-sized companies) and if we rely on the use of dbfs and the client demands a web solution from us to exploit their system, how do we do it?

I am currently in a project of a large Windows system made with FWH and the data in DBF's. They have told me to be able to do the web part using those same dbfs tables. How could we solve it? Well here is a solution for this scenario and it is mod_harbour.

I really don't think that someone with an application from years ago should "migrate" to the web, but perhaps if it can "relate" to the web, taking advantage of the benefits of each ecosystem.

I can tell you that mod_harbour is working fantastically and after these months, this group of companies in which I am working, is looking to expand different modules and evaluating a series of extensions that will surely give me work for months, possibly years and in the end the concepts is this: A system that has worked in windows with dbfs for years that can have functionalities on the web

What does this mean? That you have a vein to exploit, a great opportunity and that the web is indisputably part of our reality.

I will not be the one to say if it is better to win, if the web is better ... rather I think that everything has its positive side. But if I will say one thing: mod_harbour is currently a stable tool and that within your field can give you many joys in the coming years

The only problem here is learning the web environment, because miracles don't exist :D , but if you invest your time I assure you that you will have a lot of work.

Finally, a reflection. If we had to learn, for example, to program the web with the most used and consolidated tools today, we could basically invest time in knowing php (to create a backend) and the different languages for frontend (html, js, css). All of this takes years of learning, years !

I think you are privileged, because the backend part, you can use harbour, of which all of you are already experts :D . This gives you a faster learning curve, with the advantage that you will work within an environment of your whole life, such as dbfs

Salutacions, saludos, regards

"...programar es fácil, hacer programas es difícil..."

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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by TimStone »


In no way is this situation like the discussions about DOS vs Windows. My comments point to very specific issues relative to the application I have written and distributed for nearly 39 years. I made the transition to Windows with no hesitation because the infrastructure was present for my clients to use it.

What you have missed in my comments COMPLETELY is that the infrastructure does NOT exist for many of my clients, and they also have very valid security concerns. Thus, at my age, my focus must always be on the needs of my existing clients. In no way is that a criticism of mod_harbour, but it is NOT something I can incorporate at the present time.

What you have done is to completely distract from the original thread, and turned it into a rally for moving people to this new option. The original point of this thread was "What is the progress on Easy Report?" We we're asked to contribute money based on a promise. I, and many others, provided the funds, but the promise has never been kept. Instead, there have been multiple diversions on to other products and interests. I DO have a need for the completion of that promise. I told my clients it would be a feature based on that promise. That was years ago. I still get asked about it. I've asked privately and was told again last year, and the year before, that it was coming "soon".

If I sound agitated, I am. My reputation was harmed because I trusted someone to keep their committment, and it never happened. So PLEASE do not continue to divert from the original question. If you wanted to do a rally for Mod_harbour, it should have been a different thread. I HAVE WAITED PATIENTLY FOR 7 YEARS. Isn't time that promise should be fulfilled ?

Tim Stone
Using: FWH 23.10 with Harbour 3.2.0 / Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022-24 32/64 bit
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Otto »

Just to be clear, Tim:
We contributed to buy EasyReport from Timm.
We paid exactly what Timm asked.
The product is now open source and the source code can be downloaded. Nobody promised otherwise.
For me, I get along with EasyReport - as it is.
You got what you paid for.
Best regards,
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Re: EasyReport progress?

Post by Antonio Linares »

Next FWH 21.03 includes EasyReport in the FWH libraries and samples to run EasyReport reports from FWH

A great effort developed by Cristobal, over the modifications that we did over Tim's original code
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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