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FWH 8.09 Xbrowse-Tests : Colors, Bitmaps and backgrounds.

Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:50 pm
by ukoenig

I tested the new FWH 8.09
xBrowse : Cell-BMP on Brush-background
it is a little bit better, but there are still problems.

A Testversion done with FWH-8.09 ...

1. A refresh on the control-browse and a new test-dialog.

The row with focus doesn't show the BMP anymore

How to Test ( for cell-bitmaps use people.bmp ) :

In folder 5
1. select a brush
2. Select a cell-bitmap ( the focus ist still on top of the testbrowser after refresh )
3. Once again a cell-bitmap
4. set the focus in the testbrowser to another row
....The result : the bitmap on the lostfocus is yellow
5. Choose preview ( a new Dialog )


Another Test :
active row = 3, adding a cellbitmap, the bitmap is yellow.
Adding a second one, it is shown correct.
Moving from row 3 to the 1 row, the yellow bitmap is shown correct.


Uwe :lol:

More Tests

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 11:52 am
by ukoenig
Hello some more tests without brush-background

Changing the text-color to yellow ( extrem, to show what happens )
All these tests can be done with the test-version in this toppic
( only for FWH 8.09 testing ) ...

FWH Version 8.08


FWH Version 8.09
Everything is shown with text-color


To carry on, to add some more features,
i changed back for the moment to the FWH 8.08 class ( xbrowse.prg )

Uwe :lol:

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 1:50 pm
by Antonio Linares

We plan to publish a modified version in just few days.

Xbrowse is quite complex and when we modify some parts of it, its easy to get troubles on other features. But, step by step, we are making it better :-)


Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:07 pm
by ukoenig

I understand this.
xBrowse is very complex.
I found out during my tests, what is possible and how to solve problems.
Because of it, even small changes can give you strange results on
other places, are not expected.
Maybe after your changes, i can help you with testing.
There are many combinations possible and they work
all together.

Uwe :lol: