Nueva pagina de tabla de colores para todos

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Nueva pagina de tabla de colores para todos

Post by AIDA »

Tabla de códigos de colores ... OLORES.htm

Saluditos :wink:
Que es mejor que programar? creo que nada :)
Atropellada pero aqui ando :P

I love Fivewin

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Re: Nueva pagina de tabla de colores para todos

Post by Personal »

Lins-SP - Brasil
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Re: Nueva pagina de tabla de colores para todos

Post by MdaSolution »

have you an idea to make a include with allthis colors
# DEFINE namecolors nRGB( numbers )

on authomatic from this file ?
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Re: Nueva pagina de tabla de colores para todos

Post by FiveWiDi »

MdaSolution wrote:have you an idea to make a include with allthis colors
# DEFINE namecolors nRGB( numbers )

on authomatic from this file ?

Perdonen este post, pero donde estoy no puedo subir archivos.

Quizás así?
#DEFINE Snow  nRGB(255,250,250)
#DEFINE GhostWhite nRGB(248,248,255)
#DEFINE WhiteSmoke nRGB(245,245,245)
#DEFINE Gainsboro nRGB(220,220,220)
#DEFINE FloralWhite nRGB(255,250,240)
#DEFINE OldLace nRGB(253,245,230)
#DEFINE Linen nRGB(250,240,230)
#DEFINE AntiqueWhite nRGB(250,235,215)
#DEFINE PapayaWhip nRGB(255,239,213)
#DEFINE BlanchedAlmond nRGB(255,235,205)
#DEFINE Bisque nRGB(255,228,196)
#DEFINE PeachPuff nRGB(255,218,185)
#DEFINE NavajoWhite nRGB(255,222,173)
#DEFINE Moccasin nRGB(255,228,181)
#DEFINE Cornsilk nRGB(255,248,220)
#DEFINE Ivory nRGB(255,255,240)
#DEFINE LemonChiffon nRGB(255,250,205)
#DEFINE Seashell nRGB(255,245,238)
#DEFINE Honeydew nRGB(240,255,240)
#DEFINE MintCream nRGB(245,255,250)
#DEFINE Azure nRGB(240,255,255)
#DEFINE AliceBlue nRGB(240,248,255)
#DEFINE lavender nRGB(230,230,250)
#DEFINE LavenderBlush nRGB(255,240,245)
#DEFINE MistyRose nRGB(255,228,225)
#DEFINE White nRGB(255,255,255)
#DEFINE Black nRGB(0,0,0)
#DEFINE DarkSlateGray nRGB(47,79,79)
#DEFINE DimGrey nRGB(105,105,105)
#DEFINE SlateGrey nRGB(112,128,144)
#DEFINE LightSlateGray nRGB(119,136,153)
#DEFINE Grey nRGB(190,190,190)
#DEFINE LightGray nRGB(211,211,211)
#DEFINE MidnightBlue nRGB(25,25,112)
#DEFINE NavyBlue nRGB(0,0,128)
#DEFINE CornflowerBlue nRGB(100,149,237)
#DEFINE DarkSlateBlue nRGB(72,61,139)
#DEFINE SlateBlue nRGB(106,90,205)
#DEFINE MediumSlateBlue nRGB(123,104,238)
#DEFINE LightSlateBlue nRGB(132,112,255)
#DEFINE MediumBlue nRGB(0,0,205)
#DEFINE RoyalBlue nRGB(65,105,225)
#DEFINE Blue  nRGB(0,0,255)
#DEFINE Snow2 nRGB(238,233,233)
#DEFINE Snow3 nRGB(205,201,201)
#DEFINE Snow4 nRGB(139,137,137)
#DEFINE Seashell1 nRGB(255,245,238)
#DEFINE Seashell2 nRGB(238,229,222)
#DEFINE Seashell3 nRGB(205,197,191)
#DEFINE Seashell4 nRGB(139,134,130)
#DEFINE AntiqueWhite1 nRGB(255,239,219)
#DEFINE AntiqueWhite2 nRGB(238,223,204)
#DEFINE AntiqueWhite3 nRGB(205,192,176)
#DEFINE AntiqueWhite4 nRGB(139,131,120)
#DEFINE Bisque1 nRGB(255,228,196)
#DEFINE Bisque2 nRGB(238,213,183)
#DEFINE Bisque3 nRGB(205,183,158)
#DEFINE Bisque4 nRGB(139,125,107)
#DEFINE PeachPuff1 nRGB(255,218,185)
#DEFINE PeachPuff2 nRGB(238,203,173)
#DEFINE PeachPuff3 nRGB(205,175,149)
#DEFINE PeachPuff4 nRGB(139,119,101)
#DEFINE NavajoWhite1 nRGB(255,222,173)
#DEFINE NavajoWhite2 nRGB(238,207,161)
#DEFINE NavajoWhite3 nRGB(205,179,139)
#DEFINE NavajoWhite4 nRGB(139,121,94)
#DEFINE LemonChiffon1 nRGB(255,250,205)
#DEFINE LemonChiffon2 nRGB(238,233,191)
#DEFINE LemonChiffon3 nRGB(205,201,165)
#DEFINE LemonChiffon4 nRGB(139,137,112)
#DEFINE Cornsilk1 nRGB(255,248,220)
#DEFINE Cornsilk2 nRGB(238,232,205)
#DEFINE Cornsilk3 nRGB(205,200,177)
#DEFINE Cornsilk4 nRGB(139,136,120)
#DEFINE Ivory1 nRGB(255,255,240)
#DEFINE Ivory2 nRGB(238,238,224)
#DEFINE Ivory3 nRGB(205,205,193)
#DEFINE Ivory4 nRGB(139,139,131)
#DEFINE Honeydew1 nRGB(240,255,240)
#DEFINE Honeydew2 nRGB(224,238,224)
#DEFINE Honeydew3 nRGB(193,205,193)
#DEFINE Honeydew4 nRGB(131,139,131)
#DEFINE LavenderBlush1 nRGB(255,240,245)
#DEFINE LavenderBlush2 nRGB(238,224,229)
#DEFINE LavenderBlush3 nRGB(205,193,197)
#DEFINE LavenderBlush4 nRGB(139,131,134)
#DEFINE Firebrick4 nRGB(139,26,26)
#DEFINE Brown1 nRGB(255,64,64)
#DEFINE Brown2 nRGB(238,59,59)
#DEFINE Brown3 nRGB(205,51,51)
#DEFINE Brown4 nRGB(139,35,35)
#DEFINE Salmon1 nRGB(255,140,105)
#DEFINE Salmon2 nRGB(238,130,98)
#DEFINE Salmon3 nRGB(205,112,84)
#DEFINE Salmon4 nRGB(139,76,57)
#DEFINE LightSalmon1 nRGB(255,160,122)
#DEFINE LightSalmon2 nRGB(238,149,114)
#DEFINE LightSalmon3 nRGB(205,129,98)
#DEFINE LightSalmon4 nRGB(139,87,66)
#DEFINE Orange1 nRGB(255,165,0)
#DEFINE Orange2 nRGB(238,154,0)
#DEFINE Orange3 nRGB(205,133,0)
#DEFINE Orange4 nRGB(139,90,0)
#DEFINE DarkOrange1 nRGB(255,127,0)
#DEFINE DarkOrange2 nRGB(238,118,0)
#DEFINE DarkOrange3 nRGB(205,102,0)
#DEFINE DarkOrange4 nRGB(139,69,0)
#DEFINE Coral1 nRGB(255,114,86)
#DEFINE Coral2 nRGB(238,106,80)
#DEFINE Coral3 nRGB(205,91,69)
#DEFINE Coral4 nRGB(139,62,47)
#DEFINE Tomato1 nRGB(255,99,71)
#DEFINE Tomato2 nRGB(238,92,66)
#DEFINE Tomato3 nRGB(205,79,57)
#DEFINE Tomato4 nRGB(139,54,38)
#DEFINE OrangeRed1 nRGB(255,69,0)
#DEFINE OrangeRed2 nRGB(238,64,0)
#DEFINE OrangeRed3 nRGB(205,55,0)
#DEFINE OrangeRed4 nRGB(139,37,0)
#DEFINE Red1  nRGB(255,0,0)
#DEFINE Red2  nRGB(238,0,0)
#DEFINE Red3  nRGB(205,0,0)
#DEFINE Red4  nRGB(139,0,0)
#DEFINE DeepPink1 nRGB(255,20,147)
#DEFINE DeepPink2 nRGB(238,18,137)
#DEFINE DeepPink3 nRGB(205,16,118)
#DEFINE DeepPink4 nRGB(139,10,80)
#DEFINE HotPink1 nRGB(255,110,180)
#DEFINE HotPink2 nRGB(238,106,167)
#DEFINE Gold2 nRGB(238,201,0)
#DEFINE Gold4 nRGB(139,117,0)
#DEFINE Goldenrod1 nRGB(255,193,37)
#DEFINE DarkGoldenrod nRGB(184,134,11)
#DEFINE Goldenrod2 nRGB(238,180,34)
#DEFINE Goldenrod3 nRGB(205,155,29)
#DEFINE Goldenrod4 nRGB(139,105,20)
#DEFINE DarkGoldenrod1 nRGB(255,185,15)
#DEFINE DarkGoldenrod2 nRGB(238,173,14)
#DEFINE DarkGoldenrod3 nRGB(205,149,12)
#DEFINE DarkGoldenrod4 nRGB(139,101,8)
#DEFINE RosyBrown1 nRGB(255,193,193)
#DEFINE RosyBrown2 nRGB(238,180,180)
#DEFINE RosyBrown3 nRGB(205,155,155)
#DEFINE RosyBrown4 nRGB(139,105,105)
#DEFINE IndianRed1 nRGB(255,106,106)
#DEFINE IndianRed2 nRGB(238,99,99)
#DEFINE IndianRed3 nRGB(205,85,85)
#DEFINE IndianRed4 nRGB(139,58,58)
#DEFINE Sienna1 nRGB(255,130,71)
#DEFINE Sienna2 nRGB(238,121,66)
#DEFINE Sienna3 nRGB(205,104,57)
#DEFINE Sienna4 nRGB(139,71,38)
#DEFINE Burlywood1 nRGB(255,211,155)
#DEFINE Burlywood2 nRGB(238,197,145)
#DEFINE Burlywood3 nRGB(205,170,125)
#DEFINE Burlywood4 nRGB(139,115,85)
#DEFINE Wheat1 nRGB(255,231,186)
#DEFINE Wheat2 nRGB(238,216,174)
#DEFINE Wheat3 nRGB(205,186,150)
#DEFINE Wheat4 nRGB(139,126,102)
#DEFINE Tan1  nRGB(255,165,79)
#DEFINE DodgerBlue nRGB(30,144,255)
#DEFINE DeepSkyBlue nRGB(0,191,255)
#DEFINE SkyBlue nRGB(135,206,235)
#DEFINE LightSkyBlue nRGB(135,206,250)
#DEFINE SteelBlue nRGB(70,130,180)
#DEFINE LightSteelBlue nRGB(176,196,222)
#DEFINE LightBlue nRGB(173,216,230)
#DEFINE PowderBlue nRGB(176,224,230)
#DEFINE PaleTurquoise nRGB(175,238,238)
#DEFINE DarkTurquoise nRGB(0,206,209)
#DEFINE MediumTurquoise nRGB(72,209,204)
#DEFINE Turquoise nRGB(64,224,208)
#DEFINE Cyan  nRGB(0,255,255)
#DEFINE LightCyan nRGB(224,255,255)
#DEFINE CadetBlue nRGB(95,158,160)
#DEFINE MediumAquamarine nRGB(102,205,170)
#DEFINE Aquamarine nRGB(127,255,212)
#DEFINE DarkGreen nRGB(0,100,0)
#DEFINE DarkOliveGreen nRGB(85,107,47)
#DEFINE DarkSeaGreen nRGB(143,188,143)
#DEFINE SeaGreen nRGB(46,139,87)
#DEFINE MediumSeaGreen nRGB(60,179,113)
#DEFINE LightSeaGreen nRGB(32,178,170)
#DEFINE PaleGreen nRGB(152,251,152)
#DEFINE SpringGreen nRGB(0,255,127)
#DEFINE LawnGreen nRGB(124,252,0)
#DEFINE Green nRGB(0,255,0)
#DEFINE Chartreuse nRGB(127,255,0)
#DEFINE MedSpringGreen nRGB(0,250,154)
#DEFINE GreenYellow nRGB(173,255,47)
#DEFINE LimeGreen nRGB(50,205,50)
#DEFINE YellowGreen nRGB(154,205,50)
#DEFINE ForestGreen nRGB(34,139,34)
#DEFINE OliveDrab nRGB(107,142,35)
#DEFINE DarkKhaki nRGB(189,183,107)
#DEFINE PaleGoldenrod nRGB(238,232,170)
#DEFINE LtGoldenrodYello nRGB(250,250,210)
#DEFINE LightYellow nRGB(255,255,224)
#DEFINE Yellow nRGB(255,255,0)
#DEFINE Gold  nRGB(255,215,0)
#DEFINE LightGoldenrod nRGB(238,221,130)
#DEFINE goldenrod nRGB(218,165,32)
#DEFINE SlateGray4 nRGB(108,123,139)
#DEFINE LightSteelBlue1 nRGB(202,225,255)
#DEFINE LightSteelBlue2 nRGB(188,210,238)
#DEFINE LightSteelBlue3 nRGB(162,181,205)
#DEFINE LightSteelBlue4 nRGB(110,123,139)
#DEFINE LightBlue1 nRGB(191,239,255)
#DEFINE LightBlue2 nRGB(178,223,238)
#DEFINE LightBlue3 nRGB(154,192,205)
#DEFINE LightBlue4 nRGB(104,131,139)
#DEFINE LightCyan1 nRGB(224,255,255)
#DEFINE LightCyan2 nRGB(209,238,238)
#DEFINE LightCyan3 nRGB(180,205,205)
#DEFINE LightCyan4 nRGB(122,139,139)
#DEFINE PaleTurquoise1 nRGB(187,255,255)
#DEFINE PaleTurquoise2 nRGB(174,238,238)
#DEFINE PaleTurquoise3 nRGB(150,205,205)
#DEFINE PaleTurquoise4 nRGB(102,139,139)
#DEFINE CadetBlue1 nRGB(152,245,255)
#DEFINE CadetBlue2 nRGB(142,229,238)
#DEFINE CadetBlue3 nRGB(122,197,205)
#DEFINE CadetBlue4 nRGB(83,134,139)
#DEFINE Turquoise1 nRGB(0,245,255)
#DEFINE Turquoise2 nRGB(0,229,238)
#DEFINE Turquoise3 nRGB(0,197,205)
#DEFINE Turquoise4 nRGB(0,134,139)
#DEFINE Cyan1 nRGB(0,255,255)
#DEFINE Cyan2 nRGB(0,238,238)
#DEFINE Cyan3 nRGB(0,205,205)
#DEFINE Cyan4 nRGB(0,139,139)
#DEFINE DarkSlateGray1 nRGB(151,255,255)
#DEFINE DarkSlateGray2 nRGB(141,238,238)
#DEFINE DarkSlateGray3 nRGB(121,205,205)
#DEFINE DarkSlateGray4 nRGB(82,139,139)
#DEFINE Aquamarine1 nRGB(127,255,212)
#DEFINE Aquamarine2 nRGB(118,238,198)
#DEFINE Aquamarine3 nRGB(102,205,170)
#DEFINE Aquamarine4 nRGB(69,139,116)
#DEFINE DarkSeaGreen1 nRGB(193,255,193)
#DEFINE DarkSeaGreen2 nRGB(180,238,180)
#DEFINE DarkSeaGreen3 nRGB(155,205,155)
#DEFINE DarkSeaGreen4 nRGB(105,139,105)
#DEFINE SeaGreen1 nRGB(84,255,159)
#DEFINE SeaGreen2 nRGB(78,238,148)
#DEFINE HotPink3 nRGB(205,96,144)
#DEFINE HotPink4 nRGB(139,58,98)
#DEFINE Pink1 nRGB(255,181,197)
#DEFINE Pink2 nRGB(238,169,184)
#DEFINE Pink3 nRGB(205,145,158)
#DEFINE Pink4 nRGB(139,99,108)
#DEFINE LightPink1 nRGB(255,174,185)
#DEFINE LightPink2 nRGB(238,162,173)
#DEFINE LightPink3 nRGB(205,140,149)
#DEFINE LightPink4 nRGB(139,95,101)
#DEFINE PaleVioletRed1 nRGB(255,130,171)
#DEFINE PaleVioletRed2 nRGB(238,121,159)
#DEFINE PaleVioletRed3 nRGB(205,104,137)
#DEFINE PaleVioletRed4 nRGB(139,71,93)
#DEFINE Maroon1 nRGB(255,52,179)
#DEFINE Maroon2 nRGB(238,48,167)
#DEFINE Maroon3 nRGB(205,41,144)
#DEFINE Maroon4 nRGB(139,28,98)
#DEFINE VioletRed1 nRGB(255,62,150)
#DEFINE VioletRed2 nRGB(238,58,140)
#DEFINE VioletRed3 nRGB(205,50,120)
#DEFINE VioletRed4 nRGB(139,34,82)
#DEFINE Magenta1 nRGB(255,0,255)
#DEFINE Magenta2 nRGB(238,0,238)
#DEFINE Magenta3 nRGB(205,0,205)
#DEFINE Magenta4 nRGB(139,0,139)
#DEFINE Orchid1 nRGB(255,131,250)
#DEFINE Orchid2 nRGB(238,122,233)
#DEFINE Orchid3 nRGB(205,105,201)
#DEFINE Orchid4 nRGB(139,71,137)
#DEFINE Plum1 nRGB(255,187,255)
#DEFINE Plum2 nRGB(238,174,238)
#DEFINE Plum3 nRGB(205,150,205)
#DEFINE Plum4 nRGB(139,102,139)
#DEFINE MediumOrchid1 nRGB(224,102,255)
#DEFINE MediumOrchid2 nRGB(209,95,238)
#DEFINE MediumOrchid3 nRGB(180,82,205)
#DEFINE MediumOrchid4 nRGB(122,55,139)
#DEFINE DarkOrchid1 nRGB(191,62,255)
#DEFINE DarkOrchid2 nRGB(178,58,238)
#DEFINE DarkOrchid3 nRGB(154,50,205)
#DEFINE DarkOrchid4 nRGB(104,34,139)
#DEFINE Purple1 nRGB(155,48,255)
#DEFINE Purple2 nRGB(145,44,238)
#DEFINE Purple3 nRGB(125,38,205)
#DEFINE Purple4 nRGB(85,26,139)
#DEFINE MediumPurple1 nRGB(171,130,255)
#DEFINE MediumPurple2 nRGB(159,121,238)
#DEFINE MediumPurple3 nRGB(137,104,205)
#DEFINE MediumPurple4 nRGB(93,71,139)
#DEFINE Thistle1 nRGB(255,225,255)
#DEFINE Thistle2 nRGB(238,210,238)
#DEFINE Thistle3 nRGB(205,181,205)
#DEFINE Thistle4 nRGB(139,123,139)
#DEFINE grey11 nRGB(28,28,28)
#DEFINE grey21 nRGB(54,54,54)
#DEFINE grey31 nRGB(79,79,79)
#DEFINE grey41 nRGB(105,105,105)
#DEFINE grey51 nRGB(130,130,130)
#DEFINE grey61 nRGB(156,156,156)
#DEFINE grey71 nRGB(181,181,181)
#DEFINE gray81 nRGB(207,207,207)
#DEFINE gray91 nRGB(232,232,232)
#DEFINE DarkGrey nRGB(169,169,169)
#DEFINE DarkBlue nRGB(0,0,139)
#DEFINE DarkCyan nRGB(0,139,139)
#DEFINE DarkMagenta nRGB(139,0,139)
#DEFINE DarkRed nRGB(139,0,0)
#DEFINE LightGreen nRGB(144,238,144)
#DEFINE Chocolate3 nRGB(205,102,29)
#DEFINE Chocolate4 nRGB(139,69,19)
#DEFINE Firebrick1 nRGB(255,48,48)
#DEFINE Firebrick2 nRGB(238,44,44)
#DEFINE Firebrick3 nRGB(205,38,38)
#DEFINE RosyBrown nRGB(188,143,143)
#DEFINE IndianRed nRGB(205,92,92)
#DEFINE SaddleBrown nRGB(139,69,19)
#DEFINE Sienna nRGB(160,82,45)
#DEFINE Peru  nRGB(205,133,63)
#DEFINE Burlywood nRGB(222,184,135)
#DEFINE Beige nRGB(245,245,220)
#DEFINE Wheat nRGB(245,222,179)
#DEFINE SandyBrown nRGB(244,164,96)
#DEFINE Tan  nRGB(210,180,140)
#DEFINE Chocolate nRGB(210,105,30)
#DEFINE Firebrick nRGB(178,34,34)
#DEFINE Brown nRGB(165,42,42)
#DEFINE DarkSalmon nRGB(233,150,122)
#DEFINE Salmon nRGB(250,128,114)
#DEFINE LightSalmon nRGB(255,160,122)
#DEFINE Orange nRGB(255,165,0)
#DEFINE DarkOrange nRGB(255,140,0)
#DEFINE Coral nRGB(255,127,80)
#DEFINE LightCoral nRGB(240,128,128)
#DEFINE Tomato nRGB(255,99,71)
#DEFINE OrangeRed nRGB(255,69,0)
#DEFINE Red  nRGB(255,0,0)
#DEFINE HotPink nRGB(255,105,180)
#DEFINE DeepPink nRGB(255,20,147)
#DEFINE Pink  nRGB(255,192,203)
#DEFINE LightPink nRGB(255,182,193)
#DEFINE PaleVioletRed nRGB(219,112,147)
#DEFINE Maroon nRGB(176,48,96)
#DEFINE MediumVioletRed nRGB(199,21,133)
#DEFINE VioletRed nRGB(208,32,144)
#DEFINE Magenta nRGB(255,0,255)
#DEFINE Violet nRGB(238,130,238)
#DEFINE Plum  nRGB(221,160,221)
#DEFINE Orchid nRGB(218,112,214)
#DEFINE MediumOrchid nRGB(186,85,211)
#DEFINE DarkOrchid nRGB(153,50,204)
#DEFINE DarkViolet nRGB(148,0,211)
#DEFINE BlueViolet nRGB(138,43,226)
#DEFINE Purple nRGB(160,32,240)
#DEFINE MediumPurple nRGB(147,112,219)
#DEFINE Thistle nRGB(216,191,216)
#DEFINE Snow1 nRGB(255,250,250)
#DEFINE MistyRose1 nRGB(255,228,225)
#DEFINE MistyRose2 nRGB(238,213,210)
#DEFINE MistyRose3 nRGB(205,183,181)
#DEFINE MistyRose4 nRGB(139,125,123)
#DEFINE Azure1 nRGB(240,255,255)
#DEFINE Azure2 nRGB(224,238,238)
#DEFINE Azure3 nRGB(193,205,205)
#DEFINE Azure4 nRGB(131,139,139)
#DEFINE SlateBlue1 nRGB(131,111,255)
#DEFINE SlateBlue2 nRGB(122,103,238)
#DEFINE SlateBlue3 nRGB(105,89,205)
#DEFINE SlateBlue4 nRGB(71,60,139)
#DEFINE RoyalBlue1 nRGB(72,118,255)
#DEFINE RoyalBlue2 nRGB(67,110,238)
#DEFINE RoyalBlue3 nRGB(58,95,205)
#DEFINE RoyalBlue4 nRGB(39,64,139)
#DEFINE Blue1 nRGB(0,0,255)
#DEFINE Blue2 nRGB(0,0,238)
#DEFINE Blue3 nRGB(0,0,205)
#DEFINE Blue4 nRGB(0,0,139)
#DEFINE DodgerBlue1 nRGB(30,144,255)
#DEFINE DodgerBlue2 nRGB(28,134,238)
#DEFINE DodgerBlue3 nRGB(24,116,205)
#DEFINE DodgerBlue4 nRGB(16,78,139)
#DEFINE SteelBlue1 nRGB(99,184,255)
#DEFINE SteelBlue2 nRGB(92,172,238)
#DEFINE SteelBlue3 nRGB(79,148,205)
#DEFINE SteelBlue4 nRGB(54,100,139)
#DEFINE DeepSkyBlue1 nRGB(0,191,255)
#DEFINE DeepSkyBlue2 nRGB(0,178,238)
#DEFINE DeepSkyBlue3 nRGB(0,154,205)
#DEFINE DeepSkyBlue4 nRGB(0,104,139)
#DEFINE SkyBlue1 nRGB(135,206,255)
#DEFINE SkyBlue2 nRGB(126,192,238)
#DEFINE SkyBlue3 nRGB(108,166,205)
#DEFINE SkyBlue4 nRGB(74,112,139)
#DEFINE LightSkyBlue1 nRGB(176,226,255)
#DEFINE LightSkyBlue2 nRGB(164,211,238)
#DEFINE LightSkyBlue3 nRGB(141,182,205)
#DEFINE LightSkyBlue4 nRGB(96,123,139)
#DEFINE SlateGray1 nRGB(198,226,255)
#DEFINE SlateGray2 nRGB(185,211,238)
#DEFINE SlateGray3 nRGB(159,182,205)
#DEFINE SeaGreen3 nRGB(67,205,128)
#DEFINE SeaGreen4 nRGB(46,139,87)
#DEFINE PaleGreen1 nRGB(154,255,154)
#DEFINE PaleGreen2 nRGB(144,238,144)
#DEFINE PaleGreen3 nRGB(124,205,124)
#DEFINE PaleGreen4 nRGB(84,139,84)
#DEFINE SpringGreen1 nRGB(0,255,127)
#DEFINE SpringGreen2 nRGB(0,238,118)
#DEFINE SpringGreen3 nRGB(0,205,102)
#DEFINE SpringGreen4 nRGB(0,139,69)
#DEFINE Green1 nRGB(0,255,0)
#DEFINE Green2 nRGB(0,238,0)
#DEFINE Green3 nRGB(0,205,0)
#DEFINE Green4 nRGB(0,139,0)
#DEFINE Chartreuse1 nRGB(127,255,0)
#DEFINE Chartreuse2 nRGB(118,238,0)
#DEFINE Chartreuse3 nRGB(102,205,0)
#DEFINE Chartreuse4 nRGB(69,139,0)
#DEFINE OliveDrab1 nRGB(192,255,62)
#DEFINE OliveDrab2 nRGB(179,238,58)
#DEFINE OliveDrab3 nRGB(154,205,50)
#DEFINE OliveDrab4 nRGB(105,139,34)
#DEFINE DarkOliveGreen1 nRGB(202,255,112)
#DEFINE DarkOliveGreen2 nRGB(188,238,104)
#DEFINE DarkOliveGreen3 nRGB(162,205,90)
#DEFINE DarkOliveGreen4 nRGB(110,139,61)
#DEFINE Khaki1 nRGB(255,246,143)
#DEFINE Khaki2 nRGB(238,230,133)
#DEFINE Khaki3 nRGB(205,198,115)
#DEFINE Khaki4 nRGB(139,134,78)
#DEFINE LightGoldenrod1 nRGB(255,236,139)
#DEFINE LightGoldenrod2 nRGB(238,220,130)
#DEFINE LightGoldenrod3 nRGB(205,190,112)
#DEFINE LightGoldenrod4 nRGB(139,129,76)
#DEFINE LightYellow1 nRGB(255,255,224)
#DEFINE LightYellow2 nRGB(238,238,209)
#DEFINE LightYellow3 nRGB(205,205,180)
#DEFINE LightYellow4 nRGB(139,139,122)
#DEFINE Yellow1 nRGB(255,255,0)
#DEFINE Yellow2 nRGB(238,238,0)
#DEFINE Yellow3 nRGB(205,205,0)
#DEFINE Yellow4 nRGB(139,139,0)
#DEFINE Gold1 nRGB(255,215,0)
#DEFINE Gold3 nRGB(205,173,0)
#DEFINE Gold4 nRGB(139,117,0)
#DEFINE Goldenrod1 nRGB(255,193,37)
#DEFINE Goldenrod2 nRGB(238,180,34)
#DEFINE Goldenrod3 nRGB(205,155,29)
#DEFINE Goldenrod4 nRGB(139,105,20)
#DEFINE DarkGoldenrod1 nRGB(255,185,15)
#DEFINE DarkGoldenrod2 nRGB(238,173,14)
#DEFINE DarkGoldenrod3 nRGB(205,149,12)
#DEFINE DarkGoldenrod4 nRGB(139,101,8)
#DEFINE RosyBrown1 nRGB(255,193,193)
#DEFINE RosyBrown2 nRGB(238,180,180)
#DEFINE RosyBrown3 nRGB(205,155,155)
#DEFINE RosyBrown4 nRGB(139,105,105)
#DEFINE IndianRed1 nRGB(255,106,106)
#DEFINE IndianRed2 nRGB(238,99,99)
#DEFINE IndianRed3 nRGB(205,85,85)
#DEFINE IndianRed4 nRGB(139,58,58)
#DEFINE Sienna1 nRGB(255,130,71)
#DEFINE Sienna2 nRGB(238,121,66)
#DEFINE Sienna3 nRGB(205,104,57)
#DEFINE Sienna4 nRGB(139,71,38)
#DEFINE Burlywood1 nRGB(255,211,155)
#DEFINE Burlywood2 nRGB(238,197,145)
#DEFINE Burlywood3 nRGB(205,170,125)
#DEFINE Burlywood4 nRGB(139,115,85)
#DEFINE Tan2  nRGB(238,154,73)
#DEFINE Tan3  nRGB(205,133,63)
#DEFINE Tan4  nRGB(139,90,43)
#DEFINE Chocolate1 nRGB(255,127,36)
#DEFINE Chocolate2 nRGB(238,118,33)

Carlos G.
Un Saludo
Carlos G.

FiveWin 24.02 + Harbour 3.2.0dev (r2403071241), BCC 7.7 Windows 10
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Re: Nueva pagina de tabla de colores para todos

Post by AIDA »


Gracias por compartir :wink:

Saluditos :mrgreen:
Que es mejor que programar? creo que nada :)
Atropellada pero aqui ando :P

I love Fivewin

séʌǝɹ ןɐ ɐʇsǝ opunɯ ǝʇsǝ
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Re: Nueva pagina de tabla de colores para todos

Post by cmarucco »

Hola Foro:

Acorde a lo que publico FiveWiDi, se me occurio realizar este programa para poder consultar los colores
bajarlo de este link

Saludos ... :D
Carlos Gustavo Marucco
Rio Gallegos - Santa Cruz
FWH 10.08 - Eagle1 Ver 6.0 - xHarbour 1.2.1 Rev 6717
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Re: Nueva pagina de tabla de colores para todos

Post by sysctrl2 »

jeje te quedo bien , nos vas ahorrar mucho trabajo..

gracias carlos.
Cesar Cortes Cruz
SysCtrl Software

' Sin +- FWH es mejor "
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