HotSpot-Editor Release 2.2 => UPDATE
Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 12:21 am
The new Hotspot-editor is ready for Download.
Because the Project has grown to a big Tool, there is something to explain of the
Basic Functions
( let me know, if something is still missing or not working !
Maybe some more Ideas ? ) :
1. Create single and Multiple Hotspots
2. You can use any Background-image for Window and Dialog
3. Creates a PRG and EXE-file
4. Easy, to add / include multiple Hotspots to a created Main-prg
5. Can be a Tooltip ( autoclose after leaving the Hotspotarea )
or used as Message ( stayes on Screen with Button-actions )
6. Defined Dialog-size
7. Defined Shadow-size
Buttons and Sliders :
1. Shadowsize 0 - 20
2. Autoclose ON / OFF defines the behavior Tooltip or Message with Action
3. Hotspot opens a Multiline-Get with ELSEIF-part for multiple Hotspots
4. Edit creates a PRG- and EXE-file ( to be selected BEFORE creating a PRG )
5. 2 Gets for Dialog-size
6. Dialog ( View ) opens a Dialog to define Hotspots
7. Dialog ( Paint ) selects a Dialog-Background-Image
8. Windows ( Paint ) selects a Window-Background-Image
To compile a Prg, please check the RMK-files
Download ( 6.8 MB ):
To create Hotspots on Your own Images, please copy them
to the Subdir : ./Images
To test Hotspots on a Mainwindow, I added some Frames on the Images

Hotspots on Dialog.

To add multiple Hotspots to Your PRG
copy / paste the ELSEIF of the Multiline-Get inside one of the Functions.
There are 2 different ones, one for Window T_DISPLAY1(nRow, nCol)
and 1 for Dialog T_DISPLAY2(nRow, nCol) :

A multiple Hotspot-sample ( Windows ) :
@ 40, 100 SAY oSay1 PROMPT "Tooltip on SAY" of oDlg SIZE 60, 20 FONT oTxtfont COLOR CLR_WHITE PIXEL TRANSPARENT ADJUST

Best Regards
The new Hotspot-editor is ready for Download.
Because the Project has grown to a big Tool, there is something to explain of the
Basic Functions
( let me know, if something is still missing or not working !
Maybe some more Ideas ? ) :
1. Create single and Multiple Hotspots
2. You can use any Background-image for Window and Dialog
3. Creates a PRG and EXE-file
4. Easy, to add / include multiple Hotspots to a created Main-prg
5. Can be a Tooltip ( autoclose after leaving the Hotspotarea )
or used as Message ( stayes on Screen with Button-actions )
6. Defined Dialog-size
7. Defined Shadow-size
Buttons and Sliders :
1. Shadowsize 0 - 20
2. Autoclose ON / OFF defines the behavior Tooltip or Message with Action
3. Hotspot opens a Multiline-Get with ELSEIF-part for multiple Hotspots
4. Edit creates a PRG- and EXE-file ( to be selected BEFORE creating a PRG )
5. 2 Gets for Dialog-size
6. Dialog ( View ) opens a Dialog to define Hotspots
7. Dialog ( Paint ) selects a Dialog-Background-Image
8. Windows ( Paint ) selects a Window-Background-Image
To compile a Prg, please check the RMK-files
Download ( 6.8 MB ):
To create Hotspots on Your own Images, please copy them
to the Subdir : ./Images
To test Hotspots on a Mainwindow, I added some Frames on the Images

Hotspots on Dialog.

To add multiple Hotspots to Your PRG
copy / paste the ELSEIF of the Multiline-Get inside one of the Functions.
There are 2 different ones, one for Window T_DISPLAY1(nRow, nCol)
and 1 for Dialog T_DISPLAY2(nRow, nCol) :

A multiple Hotspot-sample ( Windows ) :
Code: Select all | Expand
IF nRow >= 186 .and. nRow <= 353 .and. nCol >= 234 .and. nCol <= 418 // 1. Hotspot
IF lMessage1 = .F.
lMessage1 := .T.
SHOW_MSG1( 1,186, 353, 234, 418, ;
"HeadLine Hotspot 1", ;
"Top : 186 ", ;
"Left : 234 ", ;
"Bottom : 353 ", ;
"Right : 418 ")
ELSEIF nRow >= 593 .and. nRow <= 641 .and. nCol >= 825 .and. nCol <= 964 // 2. Hotspot
IF lMessage1 = .F.
lMessage1 := .T.
SHOW_MSG1( 1, 593, 641, 825, 964, ;
"HeadLine Hotspot 1", ;
"Top : 593 ", ;
"Left : 825 ", ;
"Bottom : 641 ", ;
"Right : 964 ")
ELSEIF lMessage1 = .T.
oBar1:End() // delete to force a Message to stay on Screen
lMessage1 := .F. // delete to force a Message to stay on Screen
@ 40, 100 SAY oSay1 PROMPT "Tooltip on SAY" of oDlg SIZE 60, 20 FONT oTxtfont COLOR CLR_WHITE PIXEL TRANSPARENT ADJUST

Best Regards