Intermittently I get an error in the encryption / decryption of a given string here on my system.
Here the piece of code:
Code: Select all | Expand
cChave: = 'TI040505' / / fictional
retorno_cbx: = 'UR010801752' / / actual
seriec: = 'UR010801752' / / actual
cChave: = ALLTRIM (cChave)
replace serie with space(len(serie))
replace seriec with space(len(seriec))
dbcommit ()
replace serie with ALLTRIM(retorno_cbx)
replace seriec with Encrypt(ALLTRIM(retorno_cbx), cChave)
retorno_cbx: = Decrypt(ALLTRIM(seriec), cChave))
Decryption is done when the string is returned a string that is not the same as it was recorded.
Is there any solution for this?
Thank you!