ADSCDX\5023 error
Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:48 am
Dear All,
I've got this error while to use DbCloseAll() function with ADS. It has data open but error as subject and code.
Thank you in advance for any help and idea.
I've got this error while to use DbCloseAll() function with ADS. It has data open but error as subject and code.
Code: Select all | Expand
Path and name : D:\V5\EZ4POS\Release\EZ4POS5.EXE (32 bits)
Gr๖฿e : 4,847,616 bytes
Time from start : 0 hours 0 mins 14 secs
Error occurred at : 11/09/13, 13:38:24
Error description : Error ADSCDX/5023 Read error
Stack Calls
Called from : D:\V5\EZ4POS\EZCASH1.PRG => (b)CASHIER(41)
Called from : => DBCLOSEALL(0)
Called from : D:\V5\EZ4POS\EZPOS.PRG => NOWQUIT(2979)
Called from : D:\V5\EZ4POS\EZPOS.PRG => LOGOFF(3949)
Called from : D:\V5\EZ4POS\EZPOS.PRG => (b)MAIN(466)
Thank you in advance for any help and idea.