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-Use of zkemkeeper.dll
Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:13 pm
by Adolfo
Anyone with experiences using this dll
I Think is written in VB, can we call it from Harbour?
I use Borland as mi C Compiler, would it be better to change to Microsoft C ?
Can I transform it into a lib with implib and use it as any lib ?
Any help will be appreciated
Re: -Use of zkemkeeper.dll
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:22 am
by fraxzi
I use this .dll as activex.
I use it on my Bio-metric device to retrieve log records.
Re: -Use of zkemkeeper.dll
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:40 am
by lucasdebeltran
This dll Works for all biometric devices, or just for a specific manufacturer?.
Re: -Use of zkemkeeper.dll
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:51 am
by Adolfo
Ok, can you give a little example, please.. my email is adolfo point lagos at gmail dot com
Thanks in advance
yes almost all Iface,and syscom biometric devices uses a ZK cjip, which can be accessed with this dll
Re: -Use of zkemkeeper.dll
Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 9:17 pm
by lucasdebeltran
Is it so like Griaule?.
Is it free or comercial?.
Re: -Use of zkemkeeper.dll
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:49 am
by fraxzi
I don't have the leisure of time to re-create a small sample but this is part of my code:
runtime files I'm using are:
1. commpro.dll
2. comms.dll
3. msvcr71.dll
4. zkemkeeper.dll
5. zkemsdk.dll
6. zkemkeeper.oca
to check if object was registered:
Code: Select all | Expand
IF !IsActiveX('zkemkeeper.ZKEM.1')
RegisterServer( 'zkemkeeper.DLL' )
to connect:
Code: Select all | Expand
oBiometric := TActiveX():New( oWnd,'zkemkeeper.ZKEM.1')
oBiometric:SetCommPassword( 'password' ) //this is important if you set communication password to your biometric device
IF ( lGo := oBiometric:Connect_Net( 'ip address', 'port' ) )
IF !oBiometric:IsTFTMachine( 'device_id' ) //you set this nID in your device, important if you have many devices. this is numeric
MsgAlert('non-TFT Device..', 'COMPATIBILITY ISSUE')
oBiometric:RefreshData( 'device_id' ) //some commands you may want to use
IF oBiometric:ReadGeneralLogData( 'device_id' )
j := 0
WHILE oBiometric:SSR_GetGeneralLogData( 'device_id',,,,,,,,,,) //this is the only way I know how to get number of records from the device.
j++ //if you know a better way please share.
oBiometric:ReadGeneralLogData( 'device_id' ) //get ready and position 1st record pointer
//this is how I get every record
WHILE oBiometric:SSR_GetGeneralLogData('device_id', @cEnrollID, @nVerifyMO, @nInOutMO, @nYearOUT, @nMoOUT, @nDayOUT, @nHrOUT,
@nMinOUT, @nSecOUT, @nWorkOUT )
//work your way here how to process those data
nError := 0
msginfo( nError )
Please share if you have better ways or faster ways to get all those data.
I hope this helps.
Re: -Use of zkemkeeper.dll
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:54 am
by fraxzi
lucasdebeltran wrote:Hello,
This dll Works for all biometric devices, or just for a specific manufacturer?.
I haven't tried this to other devices. Model I use is FS-800u "Time and attendance terminal" made is China.
I use the .dll from devices CD.
Re: -Use of zkemkeeper.dll
Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:29 pm
by Prodix
Esta librerÃa (zkemkeeper.dll) funciona con lectoras USB?
Lo digo porque estoy tratando de implementar una Digital Persona 4500 y no lo consigo.