Allow for formatted raw HTML to be included in DOCX

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Allow for formatted raw HTML to be included in DOCX

Post by Otto »

in case someone needs formatted raw HTML to be included in DOCX.
Best regards,


Docx- file rename to Zip and unzip

Copy your MHT file to the word directory of the zip

Search for placeholder in document.xml and replace with
<w:altChunk r:id="htmlDoc" />
word/document.xml - main XML document containing reference to imported file ("w:altChunk" element)

altChunk (Anchor for Imported External Content)
This element specifies a location within a document for the insertion of the contents of a specified file containing external content to be imported into the main WordprocessingML document.
The altChunk element specifies that the external content targeted by the relationship with an ID of altChunk1 must be imported at the beginning of the document.

<Relationship Type="" Target="/word/htmlDoc.html" Id="htmlDoc" />
The corresponding relationship part item shows that the file to be imported is located next to the main document and is named import.htm. end example]

[Content_Types].xml - contains declaration of "altChunk" content type (mime type - "text/html"; mime type for MHTML is "message/rfc822"):
<Override PartName="/word/htmlDoc.html" ContentType="text/html"/>

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Re: Allow for formatted raw HTML to be included in DOCX

Post by Ruth »

Dear Otto/Dad :-)

this sounds very interesting...please be so kind as to share an example before and after of the document.xml?

by "placeholder" you mean a spot, that you chose, where the raw html should be put?

i am very interested in this...also i want to check what happens to the format...a client uses black background for his i want to see if I can leave this info blank in the mht so that it get the background from the docx...

kind regards
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Antonio Linares
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Re: Allow for formatted raw HTML to be included in DOCX

Post by Antonio Linares »

Dear Otto,

I admire your energy and passion :-)

a big hug
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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