Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE

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Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE

Post by KRCNET »

At the time of compiling this giving error, someone can help me

(063/201) Compilando FAT1111.PRG
xHarbour Compiler build 1.2.1 (SimpLex) (Rev. 6406)
Copyright 1999-2009,
* (064/201) Compilando FAT1111.c
Borland C++ 5.82 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2005 Borland
Error E2257 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 183: , expected
Error E2257 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 184: , expected
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 208: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 209: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2257 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 217: , expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2238 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 247: Multiple declaration for 'DECLARE_HANDLE' in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2344 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 208: Earlier declaration of 'DECLARE_HANDLE' in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 247: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2257 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 248: , expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2238 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 251: Multiple declaration for 'DECLARE_HANDLE' in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2344 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 247: Earlier declaration of 'DECLARE_HANDLE' in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 251: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 254: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 255: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 258: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 261: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 263: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 264: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 265: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 267: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 269: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 271: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 273: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2258 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 274: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2257 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 275: , expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE
Error E2228 C:\BCC582\include\windef.h 275: Too many error or warning messages in function DECLARE_HANDLE
font I'm trying to compile


#include <windows.h>
#include <hbapi.h>
#include <hbapierr.h>
#include "hbapiitm.h"
#include "hbvm.h"
#include "hbapirdd.h"
#include "hbxvm.h"

HB_FUNC( ISEXE64 ) // Check if our app is 64 bits

hb_retl( ( sizeof( void * ) == 8 ) );

#pragma ENDDUMP
Cleber Ribeiro Conde
Krc Sistemas
FWH 7.1 / xHarbour 0.99.71 / xMate/ SqlLib
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Enrico Maria Giordano
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Re: Declaration was expected in function DECLARE_HANDLE

Post by Enrico Maria Giordano »

Your sample compiles without errors here using Harbour and xHarbour with BCC 7.30.

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