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Restful API
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 5:30 pm
by Rick Lipkin
To All
I have seen a few threads on this topic .. I may have an opportunity to communicate between two different applications via the RestFul Api ... I would be most grateful if anyone could point me to any documentation and possibly any Harbour\xHarbor code or classes that anyone has created that I could leverage to see if it is possible to communicate between two applications.
Rick Lipkin
Re: Restful API
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:04 pm
by mag071
from the client side hbcurl. / harbor / contrib / hbcurl the good thing is that you can then solve anything with hbcurl restful-apis-ftp-xml-json-ssl etc.
the examples that are there worked correctly for me.
viewtopic.php?f=3&t=33123&p=195146&hilit=curl#p195118and add link these two libraries
echo c:\hbcurl\hbcurl.lib + >> b32.bc
echo c:\hbcurl\libcurl.lib + >> b32.bc
from the server side in harbor hbhttpd I recommend this video only that is in Spanish.
Re: Restful API
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:45 pm
by cnavarro
Re: Restful API
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 6:56 pm
by Carlos Mora
Hi Rick,
Rick Lipkin wrote:I have seen a few threads on this topic .. I may have an opportunity to communicate between two different applications via the RestFul Api ... I would be most grateful if anyone could point me to any documentation and possibly any Harbour\xHarbor code or classes that anyone has created that I could leverage to see if it is possible to communicate between two applications.
Let me point sth about Rest APIs. AFAIK, in a Rest API there are 2 roles, a sever and a client, so if your plan is to communicate 2 apps then both will have to act as both server and client. Said this, count my +1 to the use of curl for the client side, it is the most complete, manteined and updated library, available in all platforms, so you will find lots of code samples do to whatever you want. So far I've used curl to do http(s), ftp and a great webdav client to replace an insecure ftp connection.
For the server, the current solution is using the contrib httpd. Rafa Carmona shared a repo in Github with a sample server. design the API interface and endpoints, there is an outstanding stardard to follow, OAS Open API Specification, and wonderful tools that support it.
For design: Swagger Editor You describe every endpoint of the service using YAML in the Swagger editor an it will write the documentacion simultaneously, test tools, etc.
For testing your REST server, I use Postman
Re: Restful API
Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 11:05 pm
by Carles
Mi punto de vista es el siguiente, hoy en dia nuestras aplicaciones windows se han de expandir en un escenario fuera de nuestra red interna. Esto se llama Internet. Si queremos conectarnos a nuestras bases de datos centralizadas en un hosting con nuestra aplicaciones windows la mejor opción y mas segura es via webservice y para ello curl es para mi la mejor opción . Porque ? Porque hemos de empezar a cambiar nuestra manera de pensar y saber que mucha parte del negocio de nuestra aplicación no estará integrado en nuestro exe sino en el cloud. Nuestras aplicaciones (win/web/app) habran de conectarse a este cloud y crear unas llamadas a unos servicios para gestionar nuestras acciones y la mejor manera es via webservice y para ello podemos usar curl como dice Carlos Mora, y estoy completamente de acuerdo.
En estos foros se pueden ver tips sobre conectar directamente con las bases de datos con diferentes librerias, en especial mysql. En entornos pequeños de negocio y red interna quizas sea una solución valida pero no a nivel internet. Yo creo que esto es un error !. Evidentemente lo podemos hacer tecnicamente, incluso en un entorno pequeño de negocio es lo mas fácil, pero si queremos "externalizar" todo/parte de nuestro negocio hemos de tener presente la seguridad de nuestros datos. Una de las grandes questiones es: conectarse directamente a mysql vs. webservices.
El diseño de un pequeño webservice Restful permite integrar una capa de seguridad junto con la posibilidad que diferentes tecnologias y sistemas se puedan conectar de la misma manera con un protocolo que permita compartir sus funcionalidades.
Si tu diseñas un pequeño webservice para actualizar un stock, podras desde FWH + CURL gestionarlos e igualmente desde WEB CURL gestionarlo...
Por muy fácil que sea conectarse por ejemplo a mysql directamente (base de datos mas popular) recomiendo por motivos de seguridad, escalabilidad, mantenimiento... aprender a crear webservices. Hay muchos ejemplos en el foro de conexion via curl. El negocio no esta en el exe encapsulado e incrustado, sino en el cloud....
mis 2 centavos...
Buen fin de semana

Re: Restful API
Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 11:13 am
by Carlos Mora
A little bit out of topic, but to back the idea of using cUrl as a library: CURL in included in Windows 10! I can't tell how long it has been there, but it is. Just open a console window and write 'curl'
Code: Select all | Expand
Microsoft Windows [Versión 10.0.17134.407]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. Todos los derechos reservados.
curl: try 'curl --help' for more information
more info: ... o-windows/
Re: Restful API
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 5:34 pm
by Horizon
Hi Mr. Navarro,
Is there any documentation server side of restfull api in english?
Re: Restful API
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2021 8:02 pm
by cnavarro
Dear Hakan, no, sorry, I have not had time to translate it, but any help you need, I will be happy to help you well here in the forum or by mail if they are topics that cannot be published.
Re: Restful API
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 6:32 am
by Horizon
cnavarro wrote:Dear Hakan, no, sorry, I have not had time to translate it, but any help you need, I will be happy to help you well here in the forum or by mail if they are topics that cannot be published.
Thank you very much Mr. Navarro.
I understand there is two side to restfull api. Client side and Server Side.
I am interested in server side like webservice. Should I install web server application. Which one? I looking for information to start.
Re: Restful API
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 7:40 am
by Antonio Linares
Re: Restful API
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 10:18 am
by Otto
Dear Antonio,
Thank you very much for your info.
Please look, this is how I collect your information.
Best regards,
Re: Restful API
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 11:16 am
by Horizon
Hi Antonio,
You say The installation of mod harbour first, I understand.
Thank you.
Re: Restful API
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2021 3:58 pm
by Antonio Linares
To use mod_harbour, you have to install it first on a server: use the mod_harbour live demo: can also hire a mod_harbour server with everything installed and ready to use it: