libraries for CURL

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libraries for CURL

Post by Natter »


I want to collect an example of Twitter.prg (for Harbour). Attached 2 libraries hbcurl.lib and libcurl.ltb Specified #include "" However, when compiling, I get errors detecting built-in CURL functions. What's the problem ?
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Antonio Linares
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Re: libraries for CURL

Post by Antonio Linares »

Please post the errors here
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: libraries for CURL

Post by Natter »

Turbo Incremental Link 6.70 Copyright (c) 1997-2014 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_global_init_mem' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_global_cleanup' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_formfree' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_cleanup' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_reset' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_duphandle' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_init' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_pause' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_perform' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_send' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_recv' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_formadd' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_slist_append' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_setopt' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_getinfo' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_slist_free_all' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_escape' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_unescape' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_version' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_version_info' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_easy_strerror' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_getdate' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_escape' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_unescape' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unresolved external '_curl_free' referenced from C:\HARBOUR\LIB\HBCURL.LIB|core
Error: Unable to perform link
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Re: libraries for CURL

Post by Antonio Linares »

regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: libraries for CURL

Post by Natter »

Thanks, Antonio !

Yes, I unzip the file to C:\CURL And how can this help me compile the Twitter.prg example ?
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Re: libraries for CURL

Post by Natter »

I understand that the libcurl.a and libcurldll.a files are static AC / C ++ libraries under Unix. And how can I use them under Windows ?
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Re: libraries for CURL

Post by Antonio Linares »

Please use this Harbour build that already include those libraries for Borland 32 bits:

this Harbour build that already include those libraries for Microsoft 32 bits: ...

Harbour builds 64 bits including the curl libs:
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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