perhaps error on tdatabase - resolved
Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:37 am
Using my application with tdatabase
This error came out, so it is not related to the Tplan class but to the management of archives
I start by using the samplePlan class modified in tdatabase by Nages
the only modification I made is to embed it in the window using a dialog like tfsdi (alanit) and using two tPanels one for the lmenu and one to host the Tplan class.
I did a lot of tests this week without having had any kind of problem
this morning i wanted to try again and i got this error that i can't solve

Error occurred at: 05-04-2021, 12:26:18
Error description: Error DBCMD/2001 Workarea non in use: DBGOTOP
Stack Calls
Called from: => DBGOTOP( 0 )
Called from: .\source\classes\DATABASE.PRG => (b)TDATABASE( 202 )
Called from: .\source\classes\DATABASE.PRG => TDATABASE:GOTOP( 0 )
Called from: source\booking\PBook.prg => SAMPLEPLAN:LOADROOMS( 826 )
LoadRooms method
This error came out, so it is not related to the Tplan class but to the management of archives
I start by using the samplePlan class modified in tdatabase by Nages
the only modification I made is to embed it in the window using a dialog like tfsdi (alanit) and using two tPanels one for the lmenu and one to host the Tplan class.
I did a lot of tests this week without having had any kind of problem
this morning i wanted to try again and i got this error that i can't solve

Error occurred at: 05-04-2021, 12:26:18
Error description: Error DBCMD/2001 Workarea non in use: DBGOTOP
Stack Calls
Called from: => DBGOTOP( 0 )
Called from: .\source\classes\DATABASE.PRG => (b)TDATABASE( 202 )
Called from: .\source\classes\DATABASE.PRG => TDATABASE:GOTOP( 0 )
Called from: source\booking\PBook.prg => SAMPLEPLAN:LOADROOMS( 826 )
LoadRooms method
Code: Select all | Expand
METHOD LoadRooms() CLASS SamplePlan
local n
local cRowName, cRowText
local oData
::oPlann:hRows := {=>}
DO WHILE ! ::oRooms:Eof()
If AllTrim(::oRooms:TYPE ) == AllTrim( ::cTypeRoom ) ;
.AND. val(right( ::oRooms:ID,3)) >= ::nNumFrom ;
.AND. val(right( ::oRooms:ID,3)) <= ::nNumTo
::oPlann:AddRow( ::oRooms:ID, ::oRooms:NAME)
::oRooms:Skip( 1 )