I have an array aSectors

first column := sectors
Second column:= element code
then I have another array aPricesOld

I wish check on aPricesOld each record if have the same sector and Element code of aSectors
if not is the same the procedure must save an X on field number 8 of aPricesOld array
I made
Code: Select all | Expand
cElement:= ""
For n= 1 to Len( apricesOld )
cSector:= apricesOld[n][3]
cElement:= apricesOld[n][2]
If AScan( aSectors, cSector ) != 0 .and. AScan( asectors, cElement ) != 0
apricesOld[n][8]:= "X"
why not run ok ?
sample see the second image the record number 1 and seven are not the same and must have the X