I don't see the images or rather I see them small in the first combobox and tiny in the second combobox, how is this possible?
and sometimes when I move the horizontal spletter the arrows of the scrollbar of the first xbrowse disappear

this is the function to create the topbar of xbrowse down
Code: Select all | Expand
Function TaGridSetupBar3(oGrid, oTariffeMultipli,aServizi,aListini,aSelectBmp,aServiziBmp)
Local nTariffeshow:="Tutte le tariffe"
local nTiposhow := 1
oApp():oGrid3:nTopBarHeight := 90
oApp():oGrid3:SetStyle( 2015 )
oApp():oGrid3:bOnAdjust := <||
local oBtn, oSayServizi
local nrow:= 05
local ncol:= 125
local aShowTariffe:={"Tutte le tariffe","Solo gli elementi","Solo i pacchetti","Solo i servizi"}
@ nrow,5 SAY oSayServizi Prompt "Visualizza Tariffe Multiple per " SIZE 200,18 PIXEL OF oApp():oGrid3
@ 24,5 COMBOBOX oComboCbx2 VAR nTariffeshow ITEMS aShowTariffe ;
SIZE 200,120 PIXEL OF oApp():oGrid3 ;
ON CHANGE (FiltraShowTariffe(oApp():oGrid3,oComboCbx2:nat,oTariffeMultipli,oComboCbx1:nat,;
oApp():oGrid3:AEvalWhen(), oComboCbx3:refresh()) ;
BITMAPS aSelectBmp
@ nrow,400 SAY oSayServizi Prompt "Visualizza servizi " SIZE 100,18 PIXEL OF oApp():oGrid3
@ nrow,575 COMBOBOX oComboCbx3 VAR nTiposhow ITEMS ArrTranspose( aServizi )[ 2] ;
SIZE 220,400 PIXEL OF oApp():oGrid3 UPDATE BITMAPS aServiziBmp ;
ON CHANGE FiltraShowTariffe(oApp():oGrid3,oComboCbx2:nat,oTariffeMultipli,;
oComboCbx1:nat,alistini,oComboCbx3:nat,aServizi) ;
WHEN oComboCbx2:nat=4
return nil
return nil
note the size of the combos on the script (1) SIZE 200,120 (2) SIZE 220,400 they are not truthful
a solution Please