on tab 1
I have a group only when lShowMenuVeloci is true
IF oThis:lShowMenuVeloci
ADD GROUP ::oGrMenuVeloci RIBBON ::oRebar TO OPTION 1 WIDTH 130 PROMPT "menu veloci"
this group is on I draw a red arrow
on tab 4 I insert a rbbtn and I can select if pressed or not ( the fourth button)

it must refresh tab1 of the ribbonbar
I made
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 5,150 ADD BUTTON oBtns[43] prompt "Collegamenti"+CRLF+"Veloci" BITMAP "TOOLBAR_VELOCI" ;
GROUP oGrV1 SIZE 65,85 top ROUND;
TOOLTIP "Collegamenti veloci" ;
ACTION (oBtns[43]:lSelected:=!oBtns[43]:lSelected,;
if( oBtns[43]:lSelected,;
oThis:lShowMenuVeloci:=.t.,oThis:lShowMenuVeloci:=.f. ),;
oThis:oReBar:aDialogs[1]:refresh() )
but it not refresh the ribbonbar tab1
How I can resolve it ?