RADIO Button problem
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2021 10:21 pm
Hi everybody
In a group of RADIO buttons when the dialog to choose is displayed
the first radio buttons is active, as if there were already
been chosen (black dot in the center), there is a way that it is not displayed
(the black point) until a radius button in the group is chosen.
This is my source code
In a group of RADIO buttons when the dialog to choose is displayed
the first radio buttons is active, as if there were already
been chosen (black dot in the center), there is a way that it is not displayed
(the black point) until a radius button in the group is chosen.
This is my source code
Code: Select all | Expand
oD02:ETNIAS := 0
REDEFINE RADIO aGets01[011] VAR oD02:ETNIAS ID 115,116,117,118,119 OF oFld:aDialogs[01] UPDATE;
MESSAGE "Etnia del sujeto"