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xBrowse building image-groups (sorted by color)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 11:18 am
by ukoenig

I created a xBrowse-solution to split a imagebrowser
in colorgroups

maybe something better :?:

images splitted / sorted to groups red, blue and gray
The basic images are selected with celledit to build a structure


changing the structure :
a right mouseclick does a copy
moving to the new cell another right mouseclick will paste the image
the old position is cleard


the copy paste-status is shown at the bottom
You can break the paste simply pressing the copybutton
The red copy-status ( because no paste is done ) will turn to green again


best regards
Uwe :D

Re: xBrowse building image-groups (sorted by color)

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 8:14 pm
by Marc Venken
I could see a sollution for a small project of mine.

Having a dbf with many fields, and 1 jpg field.
Your solution should be change (setup) with lets say 4 pics on a row.

Then we change all the positions like we want and in the dbf there need to be a field in order to know the sort order.
That way we have a sorting/positioning module for ranking the products.

If posible, i would like to test and see.

Re: xBrowse building image-groups (sorted by color)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:03 am
by ukoenig

Then we change all the positions like we want and in the dbf there need to be a field
in order to know the sort order.
That way we have a sorting/positioning module for ranking the products.

showing the ranking on the right upper corner a solution ?
yellow fields will be only visible with a valid number > 0

how many ranking-positions do You want to show -> top 20 , top 50 ?


Uwe :?:

Re: xBrowse building image-groups (sorted by color)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:15 am
by Marc Venken
I would say max 50. If there are more they all may become a number of 100, so they stay lower then the 1-50 range.

So if We would only rank the top 15, we do a 1-15 and the rest has a higher number, so they go below the tot 15 sorted

It is used for sorting my webshop products in the offline version. then I upload them.

Re: xBrowse building image-groups (sorted by color)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 9:47 am
by ukoenig
do You know if it is possible to build the following xBrowse without using a array.
I couldn*t find any tests.
Using only 1 DBF-imagefield ---> 4 records on 4 columns must be displayed in in each row
It means a new row ( break ) after 4 records


My solution for the moment : 5 DBF-imagefields displayed in 5 columns


Uwe :?:

Re: xBrowse building image-groups (sorted by color)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 11:00 am
by Marc Venken
I use a temp dbf and create the picture fields that I need. The way you do it also i think.

Mr. Rao made a sample with a Xbrowse gallery... Maybe there ?