To Nageswarao: datepick control problems also on change
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:25 pm
Now I have found the error and it seems that the search in the archive works only I still have that datepick problem (on change)
at the beginning when I open the dialog to edit a reservation both in modification and in the first insertion, I go to add a first line in the array that I will use in the xbrowse

and then if it is a modification of a reservation I load all services under the first row of the array

if I activate the changeAll (....) function in ON CHANGE of the datepick control, fwh proceeds to call this function before the user has actually changed the date in the control
on my changeAll() function I go to check if the element is available in the selected date range, if it is available it creates the first row in the array obviously deleting all the content in oBrowse: arraydata
my function runs correctly because it depends on a modification of the date range by the user
but unfortunately this changeall function is called before any user modification and this is not good
because if I am in modification I have to see the other lines and the program must not delete them
that is practically if one activates a function on change of the datepick control this is processed first of all, because this happens,
Nages had changed the tdtpicke class but unfortunately I have not seen improvements, I still have the same error and I don't know how to fix
at the beginning when I open the dialog to edit a reservation both in modification and in the first insertion, I go to add a first line in the array that I will use in the xbrowse

and then if it is a modification of a reservation I load all services under the first row of the array

if I activate the changeAll (....) function in ON CHANGE of the datepick control, fwh proceeds to call this function before the user has actually changed the date in the control
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 22,145 DTPICKER oDtpLast VAR dLast SIZE 90,12 PIXEL OF oFolder:aDialogs[1] ;
PICTURE "ddd dd mmm yyyy" UPDATE ;
ON CHANGE (oDlg:Update(),;
ChangeAll( nMode,dFirst,dLast,cTypeRoom,nCella,nInvoice,oPrenotazioni,oSelBtn,oBrowse))
on my changeAll() function I go to check if the element is available in the selected date range, if it is available it creates the first row in the array obviously deleting all the content in oBrowse: arraydata
my function runs correctly because it depends on a modification of the date range by the user
but unfortunately this changeall function is called before any user modification and this is not good
because if I am in modification I have to see the other lines and the program must not delete them
that is practically if one activates a function on change of the datepick control this is processed first of all, because this happens,
Nages had changed the tdtpicke class but unfortunately I have not seen improvements, I still have the same error and I don't know how to fix