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Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:01 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
If I load also the resouce not show the say object ( on windows 10 pro)
with resources
without resources
this is very very strange !!!!!default.rcCode: Select all | Expand
#ifndef __64__
1 24 "WinXP\WindowsXP.Manifest"
1 24 "WinXP\WindowsXP.Manifest64"
the test.prgCode: Select all | Expand
#include ""
Function test()
Local oDlg,oSay,oFolder,oFont
local ctext:=""
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "MS Sans Serif" SIZE 0,-8
oBold := oFont:Bold()
FONT oFont
@ 1, 0 FOLDEREX oFolder OF oDlg SIZE oDlg:nWidth-585,oDlg:nHeight-390 PIXEL ;
PROMPT "Prenotazioni"
@ 2, 200 SAY oSay PROMPT cText SIZE 260,14 PIXEL OF oFolder:aDialogs[1] CENTER VCENTER FONT oBold
oDlg:bResized := <||
oRect := oDlg:GetCliRect()
oFolder:nWidth := oRect:nRight-2
oFolder:nHeight := oRect:nBottom-160
return nil
ON INIT ( Eval(oDlg:bResized) )
return nil
Any solution ?
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:03 am
by nageswaragunupudi
What is strange?
You set both text color and background color to GREEN.
How can you see any text?
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 7:05 am
by Silvio.Falconi
nageswaragunupudi wrote:What is strange?
You set both text color and background color to GREEN.
How can you see any text?
I explain to you.
I add the text to make you understand where the error lies
local ctext:="gggggggggggggggggggggg"
if I compile the test.prg
with the resource I don't see the string (say control) with the green background
If I compile the test
WITHOUT the resource I see the string with the green background
But I need to compile with resources because I must insert bitmaps, How I can resolve ?
I try now also on Windows Seven ...same error

Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
Function test()
local oDlg,oSay,oFolder,oFont
local ctext:="gggggggggggggggggggggg"
DEFINE FONT oFont NAME "MS Sans Serif" SIZE 0,-8
oBold := oFont:Bold()
FONT oFont
@ 1, 0 FOLDEREX oFolder OF oDlg SIZE oDlg:nWidth-585,oDlg:nHeight-390 PIXEL ;
@ 2, 200 SAY oSay PROMPT cText SIZE 260,14 PIXEL OF oFolder:aDialogs[1] CENTER VCENTER FONT oBold
oDlg:bResized := <||
oRect := oDlg:GetCliRect()
oFolder:nWidth := oRect:nRight-2
oFolder:nHeight := oRect:nBottom-160
return nil
ON INIT ( Eval(oDlg:bResized) )
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:02 pm
by TimStone
I'm confused. You say you have a problem with a dialog defined in a resource and yet I see no code for a resource.
Can you please clarify ? All of my "forms" are created in a .rc file and I use SAY on folders with no problem. I'd be happy to help, but I only see the code build, not the .rc code.
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 6:50 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
TimStone wrote:I'm confused. You say you have a problem with a dialog defined in a resource and yet I see no code for a resource.
Can you please clarify ? All of my "forms" are created in a .rc file and I use SAY on folders with no problem. I'd be happy to help, but I only see the code build, not the .rc code.
You understood well .I have a dialog.
In this dialog I have a FolderEx (you can also use the normal folder)
in the folder in the first tab that is oFolder: adialogs [1] I inserted a simple say control of the type
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 2, 200 SAY oSay PROMPT cText SIZE 260,14 PIXEL OF oFolder:aDialogs[1] CENTER VCENTER FONT oBold
at the time of compilation you have to add the theme win xp that you find in the fivewin sample folderxplook.rcCode: Select all | Expand
#ifndef __64__
1 24 "WinXP\WindowsXP.Manifest"
1 24 "WinXP\WindowsXP.Manifest64"
if you not use the xp look you 'll see the say control
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 7:36 pm
by TimStone
When you said you were using a resource file, I understood that to mean you were building the dialog and folders in the .rc file.
Apparently you are only using the .rc to specify the manifest.
I simply include a manifest file in my application folder but don't really call it anywhere ( and it's not listed in my .rc file either ). I named it the same as my application, so if the application is Silvio.exe then I have Silvio.manifest in the same folder.
Since I use an .rc to define ALL of my screens, I'm sorry I can't assist here.
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 10:13 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
TimStone wrote:When you said you were using a resource file, I understood that to mean you were building the dialog and folders in the .rc file.
Apparently you are only using the .rc to specify the manifest.
I simply include a manifest file in my application folder but don't really call it anywhere ( and it's not listed in my .rc file either ). I named it the same as my application, so if the application is Silvio.exe then I have Silvio.manifest in the same folder.
Since I use an .rc to define ALL of my screens, I'm sorry I can't assist here.
ok but have you tried to compile my test with a resources?
anyway I tried to make an exe and then I entered the manifest
as you can see here

does not work
controls such as datepicks do not have a theme
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2021 10:26 pm
by TimStone
No, I don't have the time to do that. Although I'm "semi-retired", I have a very challenging time just completing all the work that I must do in a day. In the time that I do have available, I'm working on adding SQL capabilities to my primary program, and that is a big learning curve. I want to do that while leaving my current .dbf and .adt options in place, so I assume I will be updating my data objects to accomplish that task.
Of course that will be in between attending my grandkids soccer ( fotbal ) games. They are very competitive and great fun.
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:15 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Change this line of code
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 8:44 am
by Silvio.Falconi
nageswaragunupudi wrote:Change this line of code
allready made not run
see the last code test
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2021 11:21 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr. Silivio
You are right.
On themed applications, Says on folder / folderex dialogs are always displayed with White back-color and we are not able to change it.
Looks like it is Windows behavior. Anyway we will look into this in greater detail.
For now you may use some foreground color on CLR_WHITE. eg: CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE etc.
Re: Not show control say on folder with res
Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:46 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
nageswaragunupudi wrote:Mr. Silivio
You are right.
On themed applications, Says on folder / folderex dialogs are always displayed with White back-color and we are not able to change it.
Looks like it is Windows behavior. Anyway we will look into this in greater detail.
For now you may use some foreground color on CLR_WHITE. eg: CLR_BLACK,CLR_WHITE etc.
For now I have solved it by inserting a panel control in the folder and in this the say control
But I hope you solve the problem