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Gluing images
Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 8:47 pm
by Natter
Hi, !
Using the FW Save Screen() function, I cut out a certain number of identical fragments from the screen. Then I need to glue them together in a certain order (like puzzles - top, bottom, right, left) and save them to a bitmap file. How can this be done ?
Re: Gluing images
Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 5:40 am
by Antonio Linares
#define SRCCOPY 13369376
local hDC := oDlg:GetDC()
local hDCMem := CreateComtatibleDC( hDC )
local hBitmap := CreateCompatibleBitmap( hDCMem, nWidth, nHeigth )
local hPrev := SelectObject( hDCMem, hBitmap )
local hBmp, hDib
now you paint your bitmaps on hDCMem this way:
hBmp = ReadBitmap( 0, "name.bmp" )
PalBmpDraw( hDCMem, nRow, nCol, hBmp )
Finally you save it and clean:
DibWrite( cFileName, DibFromBitmap( hBitmap ) )
SelectObject( hDCMem, hPrev )
DeleteObject( hBitmap )
DeleteDC( hDCMem )
Re: Gluing images
Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:45 am
by Natter
Thank you, Antonio !
Re: Gluing images
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 5:59 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Code: Select all | Expand
function StitchCrops()
local hWnd, hBmp1, hBmp2, hBmp3, hNew
hWnd := GetDeskTopWindow()
hBmp1 := FWSaveScreen( hWnd, 200,200,400,300 ) // 100x200
hBmp2 := FWSaveScreen( hWnd, 700,650,900,950 ) // 300x200
hBmp3 := FWSaveScreen( hWnd, 500,500,650,900 ) // 400x150
hNew := FW_MakeYourBitmap( 400, 350, <|hDC|
FW_DrawImage( hDC, hBmp1, { 0, 0, 200, 100 } )
FW_DrawImage( hDC, hBmp2, { 0, 100, 200, 400 } )
FW_DrawImage( hDC, hBmp3, { 200, 0, 350, 400 } )
return nil
> )
FW_SaveImage( hNew, "new.bmp" )
DeleteObject( hNew )
XImage( "new.bmp" )
return nil

Re: Gluing images
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:34 am
by Natter
Rao, thank you very much !!! It can be printed in any format. And ate the picture in the size of the screen and if wider too
Re: Gluing images
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:28 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
It can be printed in any format.
Can be saved in any format.
And ate the picture in the size of the screen and if wider too
As the name itself indicates, FWSaveScreen() can extract full or part of what is visible on the screen only and nothing outside the screen.
But the resulting glued image can be larger than the screen.
Re: Gluing images
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 1:01 pm
by Natter
To use the FW Save Screen() function to print a container larger than the screen, you need to move this container using the :Move method to the screen. Then you can always read the device context of the required fragment. I printed out the map in A1, A0 formats (but there are some subtleties here by synchronously zooming in on the map)
Re: Gluing images
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 1:38 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Natter wrote:To use the FW Save Screen() function to print a container larger than the screen, you need to move this container using the :Move method to the screen. Then you can always read the device context of the required fragment. I printed out the map in A1, A0 formats (but there are some subtleties here by synchronously zooming in on the map)
I did not suggest this because it is complex.
But glad you found it and did it

Re: Gluing images
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 1:53 pm
by Natter
To read the device context, you need to fix the screen. What is the best way to do it ?
You can, of course, display msginfo() after each execution of :Move, but it's not pretty