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run a batch file from fwh

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:13 am
by Silvio.Falconi
I need to start a batch file that has only one command line from an exe fwh
in the command line enclosed in the bat file it wants three parameters %1 %2 %3
instead of these three parameters the information contained within a dbf must be linked

First, Last, Address

any help pls

Re: run a batch file from fwh

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:12 pm
by Marc Venken
I would generate/update the bat file itself with the dbf data, just before running it from FWH.

Re: run a batch file from fwh

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 7:06 am
by Silvio.Falconi
perhaps I resolved
I created a txtfile from fwh
and then save as "xxx.bat"
then I make run this bat
But there is a problem because the command I insert on it need level administrator because there is a command NET USER

Re: run a batch file from fwh

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 11:23 am
by Silvio.Falconi
sample :

Code: Select all | Expand

#include ""

Function test()
local cText := ""
local cUser:="Pon2021"
local cPassword:="Pon"
    cText += " NET USER " +cUser +" "+;
                           cPassword +" /add " +;
                        " /comment='Pon 2021'" +;
                        " /expires:never " +;
                        " /passwordchg:No" +;
                        " /logonpasswordchg:No"

    memowrit("test.bat", cText )
    waitrun( "test.bat", 0 )
return nil

this created the file .bat
then it is no executed why ?

if you run cmd from administrator and then write
NET USER fwh fwh /add
it execute and create a user called fwh with password fwh

Re: run a batch file from fwh

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 11:44 am
by Otto
Hello Silvio,

Do you run your EXE as admin?

I use the same code as you with no problems.

Best regards,

Code: Select all | Expand

      if  lIsDir( cVerzeichnis ) = .f.

         lMKDir( cVerzeichnis )
         cText :=  'net user ' + cUser + ' ' +  cPW + ' /add /comment:"Basic WINHOTEL Remotedesktop user account." /fullname:"' + cfullname +'" /logonpasswordchg:no' + CRLF
         cText := cText + 'net localgroup "Remotedesktopbenutzer" '+ cUser +' /add' + CRLF
         cText := cText + 'net localgroup "Benutzer" ' + cUser + ' /delete' + CRLF
         cText := cText + 'WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE "Name=' + "'"  + cUser  + "'" + '" SET PasswordExpires=FALSE' + CRLF
         memowrit( ".\psfiles\ps_8.bat", cText )
         waitrun( ".\psfiles\ps_8.bat" )


Re: run a batch file from fwh

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:02 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Otto wrote:Hello Silvio,

Do you run your EXE as admin?

I use the same code as you with no problems.

Best regards,

Code: Select all | Expand

      if  lIsDir( cVerzeichnis ) = .f.

         lMKDir( cVerzeichnis )
         cText :=  'net user ' + cUser + ' ' +  cPW + ' /add /comment:"Basic WINHOTEL Remotedesktop user account." /fullname:"' + cfullname +'" /logonpasswordchg:no' + CRLF
         cText := cText + 'net localgroup "Remotedesktopbenutzer" '+ cUser +' /add' + CRLF
         cText := cText + 'net localgroup "Benutzer" ' + cUser + ' /delete' + CRLF
         cText := cText + 'WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE "Name=' + "'"  + cUser  + "'" + '" SET PasswordExpires=FALSE' + CRLF
         memowrit( ".\psfiles\ps_8.bat", cText )
         waitrun( ".\psfiles\ps_8.bat" )


thanks Otto
I thought that I could directly load test.bat an exe program and load it in administrator mode,
now I have to remember to load the exe in administrator mode

a question
what do you do with the command

Code: Select all | Expand


Re: run a batch file from fwh

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:10 am
by Otto
Silvio, WINDOWS is a very save OS.
Best regards,

Re: run a batch file from fwh

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:33 am
by driessen

Why don't you make a LNK-file (like shortcut) in which you can define to run it as an administrator.
In your application you use the


Doesn't that work?

Re: run a batch file from fwh

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:45 am
by Silvio.Falconi
driessen wrote:Silvio,

Why don't you make a LNK-file (like shortcut) in which you can define to run it as an administrator.
In your application you use the


Doesn't that work?

I have at my school 3 labs with 22 computer each I wish to find a faster way to create user accounts for students