set column
Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2021 12:12 pm
Nages ,
I ask on this topic How select the column to print
the problem is I have a Xbrowse with :SetMultiSelectCol() and on the column acols are not this column of checkbox
I explain you
I have an xbrowse with some buttons below
when I press "print" a small window opens where the user can set the type of printing (horizontal or vertical) and can press a button to select the columns to be printed

when the user presses to select the columns, a dialog opens OptionPrint(oBrw) that you see with the list of columns
ACTION ( aColumns:= OptionPrint(oBrw),;
cSave := oBrw:SaveState(),;
oBrw:ReArrangeCols( aColumns ) )
Note that the first column is the checkbox and the others are the columns that are in the main xbrowse
when the user has selected the columns and confirm it I return to the report option dialog and return a content to acolumns
ACTION ( aCols := {}, ;
AEval( oBrw:aArrayData, { |a| If( a[ 3 ], AAdd( aCols, oBrowse:aCols[ a[ 2 ] ] ), nil ) } ), ;
oDlgOptions:end( IDOK ) )
IF oDlgOptions:nresult == IDOK
return aCols
return NIL
everything works fine but my concern is that if the user does not click on the first column (checkbox) then he prints the FALSE value for that column

I ask on this topic How select the column to print
the problem is I have a Xbrowse with :SetMultiSelectCol() and on the column acols are not this column of checkbox
I explain you
I have an xbrowse with some buttons below
when I press "print" a small window opens where the user can set the type of printing (horizontal or vertical) and can press a button to select the columns to be printed

when the user presses to select the columns, a dialog opens OptionPrint(oBrw) that you see with the list of columns
ACTION ( aColumns:= OptionPrint(oBrw),;
cSave := oBrw:SaveState(),;
oBrw:ReArrangeCols( aColumns ) )
Note that the first column is the checkbox and the others are the columns that are in the main xbrowse
when the user has selected the columns and confirm it I return to the report option dialog and return a content to acolumns
ACTION ( aCols := {}, ;
AEval( oBrw:aArrayData, { |a| If( a[ 3 ], AAdd( aCols, oBrowse:aCols[ a[ 2 ] ] ), nil ) } ), ;
oDlgOptions:end( IDOK ) )
IF oDlgOptions:nresult == IDOK
return aCols
return NIL
everything works fine but my concern is that if the user does not click on the first column (checkbox) then he prints the FALSE value for that column