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DBU - 64 bit

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 7:07 pm
by TimStone
This topic was in another forum, but I'd like to re-start it here. I think we will find more clarification, or input.

FWH has the FiveDbu.prg which is an excellent file editor. I have used a modification for years. The newest version works with files other than .dbf and since I want to move my application to SQL, this can be very helpful. I am also moving to 64 bit builds. I use FWH 64, Harbour 64, and Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022.

When building the sample in the 64 bit directory, it won't run. It just stalls. When adding it to an existing application, it builds but tells me it's looking for libmariadb.dll which is located in the same directory as all other application .dlls, plus the .exe file.

When I try to register that .dll in the OS, it tells me it has no entry point. I have received a working .exe, so I know the program does work, but I will want to include it in my app with some customization.

I believe the issue may be the libraries I am linking in. They may not be correct. Can anyone provide me a link script for Microsoft and this program, or the names of the library files I should link in ? I have a feeling this will also be significant when I transition to SQL databases for the same app.

Thanks for your input.
