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To Nages : Conversion txt into xbrowse bad

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:47 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
I made

Code: Select all | Expand

local csvfile:=".\csv\PianoDeiConti.csv"
Local  cSymbol := ","
Local  cText := StrTran( MemoRead( csvfile ), CHR( 10 ), Chr(1) )
Local   aData := HB_ATokens( cText, Chr(1), .t., .t. )
AEval( aData, { |c,i| c := StrTran( c, Chr(1), CRLF ), aData[ i ] := HB_ATokens( c, cSymbol, .t., .t. ) } )

      if len( ATail( aData ) ) < 2
           ASize( aData, Len( aData ) - 1 )

        XBROWSER aData

it save on array the first line

How I can resolve ?

Re: To Nages : Conversion txt into xbrowse bad

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 10:28 am
by Silvio.Falconi
If I made

local csvfile:=".\csv\PianoDeiConti.csv"
Local cSymbol := ","
Local cText := StrTran( MemoRead( csvfile ), CHR( 10 ), Chr(1) )
Local aData := HB_ATokens( cText, Chr(1), .t., .t. )
AEval( aData, { |c,i| c := StrTran( c, Chr(1), CRLF ), aData[ i ] := HB_ATokens( c, cSymbol, .t., .t. ) } )

if len( ATail( aData ) ) < 2
ASize( aData, Len( aData ) - 1 )
Adel(aData,1) <----------------

erase the first line

But when I save aData on Archive, inserts an empty record as you can see here


Now you see it at the bottom because the dbf is indexed but I thing the procedure insert the Empty record at init

Re: To Nages : Conversion txt into xbrowse bad

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 11:45 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Silvio,

Mr. Rao will help you on this. He is the right one to do it

Re: To Nages : Conversion txt into xbrowse bad

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:25 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
Antonio Linares wrote:Dear Silvio,

Mr. Rao will help you on this. He is the right one to do it

thanks, in the example I had I didn't have to delete the first line, now I have a file that in the first line of the csv file I have the database fields and I was able to delete with adel (adata, 1) but later when I use oDbf: fw_ArrayToDBF (aData, , bProgress) to save aData in the dbf archive, the procedure inserts a first empty record and then in any case inserts all the other records

for a sample here pubblish a little csv fille

Code: Select all | Expand

CF10,Confezione 10 pezzi,10,0,Numero,CF10 - Confezione 10 pezzi
CF2,Confezione 2 pezzi,2,0,Numero,CF2 - Confezione 2 pezzi
CF20,Confezione 20 pezzi,20,0,Numero,CF20 - Confezione 20 pezzi
CF24,Confezione 24 pezzi,24,0,Numero,CF24 - Confezione 24 pezzi
CF3,Confezione 3 pezzi,3,0,Numero,CF3 - Confezione 3 pezzi
CF4,Confezione 4 pezzi,4,0,Numero,CF4 - Confezione 4 pezzi
CF5,Confezione 5 pezzi,5,0,Numero,CF5 - Confezione 5 pezzi
CF6,Confezione 6 pezzi,6,0,Numero,CF6 - Confezione 6 pezzi
KG,Chilogrammi,1,3,Peso,KG - Chilogrammi
LT,Litri,1,3,Volume,LT - Litri
MC,Metri cubi,1,3,Volume,MC - Metri cubi
MQ,Metri quadri,1,3,Lunghezza,MQ - Metri quadri
MT,Metri,1,3,Lunghezza,MT - Metri
NR,Numero,1,0,Numero,NR - Numero
PZ,Pezzi,1,0,Numero,PZ - Pezzi

CodUM (C, 4, 0)
DescrUM (C, 86, 0)
Molt (N, 13, 6)
NumDec (N, 1, 0)
Tipo (C, 10, 0)
CodDescrUM (C, 86, 0)

local csvfile:=".\csv\test.csv"
Local cSymbol := ","
Local cText := StrTran( MemoRead( csvfile ), CHR( 10 ), Chr(1) )
Local aData := HB_ATokens( cText, Chr(1), .t., .t. )

// load csv to aData
AEval( aData, { |c,i| c := StrTran( c, Chr(1), CRLF ), aData[ i ] := HB_ATokens( c, cSymbol, .t., .t. ) } )

if len( ATail( aData ) ) < 2
ASize( aData, Len( aData ) - 1 )

Adel(aData,1) // erase first line

// save to dbf
oMisura:= TDatabase():Open( , cPath+"Unitamisura", "DBFCDX", .T. )
oMisura:fw_ArrayToDBF( aData,,bProgress)

Re: To Nages : Conversion txt into xbrowse bad

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:04 am
by Silvio.Falconi
with ASize( aData, Len( aData ) - 1 )
I can erase that line but How I can Know that line is empty ?

Re: To Nages : Conversion txt into xbrowse bad

Posted: Fri Nov 26, 2021 4:55 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Silvio.Falconi wrote:
Antonio Linares wrote:Dear Silvio,

Mr. Rao will help you on this. He is the right one to do it

thanks, in the example I had I didn't have to delete the first line, now I have a file that in the first line of the csv file I have the database fields and I was able to delete with adel (adata, 1) but later when I use oDbf: fw_ArrayToDBF (aData, , bProgress) to save aData in the dbf archive, the procedure inserts a first empty record and then in any case inserts all the other records

for a sample here pubblish a little csv fille

Code: Select all | Expand

CF10,Confezione 10 pezzi,10,0,Numero,CF10 - Confezione 10 pezzi
CF2,Confezione 2 pezzi,2,0,Numero,CF2 - Confezione 2 pezzi
CF20,Confezione 20 pezzi,20,0,Numero,CF20 - Confezione 20 pezzi
CF24,Confezione 24 pezzi,24,0,Numero,CF24 - Confezione 24 pezzi
CF3,Confezione 3 pezzi,3,0,Numero,CF3 - Confezione 3 pezzi
CF4,Confezione 4 pezzi,4,0,Numero,CF4 - Confezione 4 pezzi
CF5,Confezione 5 pezzi,5,0,Numero,CF5 - Confezione 5 pezzi
CF6,Confezione 6 pezzi,6,0,Numero,CF6 - Confezione 6 pezzi
KG,Chilogrammi,1,3,Peso,KG - Chilogrammi
LT,Litri,1,3,Volume,LT - Litri
MC,Metri cubi,1,3,Volume,MC - Metri cubi
MQ,Metri quadri,1,3,Lunghezza,MQ - Metri quadri
MT,Metri,1,3,Lunghezza,MT - Metri
NR,Numero,1,0,Numero,NR - Numero
PZ,Pezzi,1,0,Numero,PZ - Pezzi

CodUM (C, 4, 0)
DescrUM (C, 86, 0)
Molt (N, 13, 6)
NumDec (N, 1, 0)
Tipo (C, 10, 0)
CodDescrUM (C, 86, 0)

local csvfile:=".\csv\test.csv"
Local cSymbol := ","
Local cText := StrTran( MemoRead( csvfile ), CHR( 10 ), Chr(1) )
Local aData := HB_ATokens( cText, Chr(1), .t., .t. )

// load csv to aData
AEval( aData, { |c,i| c := StrTran( c, Chr(1), CRLF ), aData[ i ] := HB_ATokens( c, cSymbol, .t., .t. ) } )

if len( ATail( aData ) ) < 2
ASize( aData, Len( aData ) - 1 )

Adel(aData,1) // erase first line

// save to dbf
oMisura:= TDatabase():Open( , cPath+"Unitamisura", "DBFCDX", .T. )
oMisura:fw_ArrayToDBF( aData,,bProgress)

Code: Select all | Expand

cText    := RemRight( MemoRead( csvFile ), CHR(26) )
cText    := StrTran( cText, CRLF, CHR(10) )
cText    := RemRight( cText, CHR(10) )
aData    := HB_ATokens( cText, CHR(10), .t., .t. )
AEval( aData, { |c,i| c := StrTran( c, CHR(10), CRLF ), ;
              aData[ i ] := HB_ATokens( c, cSymbol, .t., .t. ) } )
aHead    := aData[ 1 ]
HB_ADel( aData, 1, .t. )
AEval( aData, { |a| a[ 3 ] := Val( a[ 3 ] ), a[ 4 ] := Val( a[ 4 ] ) } )
XBROWSER aData SETUP ( oBrw:cHeaders := aHead )

Re: To Nages : Conversion txt into xbrowse bad

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:53 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
nageswaragunupudi wrote:
Silvio.Falconi wrote:
Antonio Linares wrote:Dear Silvio,

Mr. Rao will help you on this. He is the right one to do it

thanks, in the example I had I didn't have to delete the first line, now I have a file that in the first line of the csv file I have the database fields and I was able to delete with adel (adata, 1) but later when I use oDbf: fw_ArrayToDBF (aData, , bProgress) to save aData in the dbf archive, the procedure inserts a first empty record and then in any case inserts all the other records

for a sample here pubblish a little csv fille

Code: Select all | Expand

CF10,Confezione 10 pezzi,10,0,Numero,CF10 - Confezione 10 pezzi
CF2,Confezione 2 pezzi,2,0,Numero,CF2 - Confezione 2 pezzi
CF20,Confezione 20 pezzi,20,0,Numero,CF20 - Confezione 20 pezzi
CF24,Confezione 24 pezzi,24,0,Numero,CF24 - Confezione 24 pezzi
CF3,Confezione 3 pezzi,3,0,Numero,CF3 - Confezione 3 pezzi
CF4,Confezione 4 pezzi,4,0,Numero,CF4 - Confezione 4 pezzi
CF5,Confezione 5 pezzi,5,0,Numero,CF5 - Confezione 5 pezzi
CF6,Confezione 6 pezzi,6,0,Numero,CF6 - Confezione 6 pezzi
KG,Chilogrammi,1,3,Peso,KG - Chilogrammi
LT,Litri,1,3,Volume,LT - Litri
MC,Metri cubi,1,3,Volume,MC - Metri cubi
MQ,Metri quadri,1,3,Lunghezza,MQ - Metri quadri
MT,Metri,1,3,Lunghezza,MT - Metri
NR,Numero,1,0,Numero,NR - Numero
PZ,Pezzi,1,0,Numero,PZ - Pezzi

CodUM (C, 4, 0)
DescrUM (C, 86, 0)
Molt (N, 13, 6)
NumDec (N, 1, 0)
Tipo (C, 10, 0)
CodDescrUM (C, 86, 0)

local csvfile:=".\csv\test.csv"
Local cSymbol := ","
Local cText := StrTran( MemoRead( csvfile ), CHR( 10 ), Chr(1) )
Local aData := HB_ATokens( cText, Chr(1), .t., .t. )

// load csv to aData
AEval( aData, { |c,i| c := StrTran( c, Chr(1), CRLF ), aData[ i ] := HB_ATokens( c, cSymbol, .t., .t. ) } )

if len( ATail( aData ) ) < 2
ASize( aData, Len( aData ) - 1 )

Adel(aData,1) // erase first line

// save to dbf
oMisura:= TDatabase():Open( , cPath+"Unitamisura", "DBFCDX", .T. )
oMisura:fw_ArrayToDBF( aData,,bProgress)

Code: Select all | Expand

cText    := RemRight( MemoRead( csvFile ), CHR(26) )
cText    := StrTran( cText, CRLF, CHR(10) )
cText    := RemRight( cText, CHR(10) )
aData    := HB_ATokens( cText, CHR(10), .t., .t. )
AEval( aData, { |c,i| c := StrTran( c, CHR(10), CRLF ), ;
              aData[ i ] := HB_ATokens( c, cSymbol, .t., .t. ) } )
aHead    := aData[ 1 ]
HB_ADel( aData, 1, .t. )
AEval( aData, { |a| a[ 3 ] := Val( a[ 3 ] ), a[ 4 ] := Val( a[ 4 ] ) } )
XBROWSER aData SETUP ( oBrw:cHeaders := aHead )

Thanks Rao.
I understood that there is no way, you must necessarily set all the fields if they are numeric, logical, character or date

Re: To Nages : Conversion txt into xbrowse bad

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 4:27 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
you must necessarily set all the fields if they are numeric, logical, character or date

FW_ArrayToDBF() does the conversion automatically depending on the DBF field type.
But it is highly desirable that we do it ourselves.