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To Nages : Tsequence modify

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 12:23 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
I have a dialog with the add/edit of categories and subcategories


While I can initially open the category.dbf archive with the Tsequence class


I don't know how to open another area for the xbrowse which is in the EDitDlg method of Tcategory

that is, manage the small xbrowse you see in the figure with the orange circle

Now I have opened the area simply with Tdatabase

oSubCat:= TDatabase():Open( , "category", "DBFCDX", .T. )

but I cannot use Tsequence's methods
therefore while in the network the codes of the main category are saved well, for the secondary category they are not saved well

I wrote on your mail