Report preview report press export to Excel problem
Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:37 pm
Look report preview paper work fine below:

When press Export to Excel button, Group cust NO and cust NAME and record total not work below:

I think it maybe bug?
Look report preview paper work fine below:

When press Export to Excel button, Group cust NO and cust NAME and record total not work below:

Code: Select all | Expand
GROUP ON AllTrim(::oDB:CUST_NO)+AllTrim(HB_UTF8SubStr(::oDB:CUST_CNM,1,12)) ;
FOOTER "小計 客戶編號: "+ oReport:aGroups[1]:cValue + ;
" ("+ltrim(str(oReport:aGroups[1]:nCounter))+")" ;
I think it maybe bug?