Mr. Jimmy
You can simplify your programs A LOT by using FWH built-in functions. When you recommend, they are easier to implement by other programmers.
This code:
Code: Select all | Expand
oExcel := CreateObject( "Excel.Application" )
// Make the first one active
oWorkBook := oExcel:activeWorkBook
// Speed things up by creating an object containing the cells
oSheet := oExcel:Worksheets(1):cells
can be replaced by single line code:
This code:
Code: Select all | Expand
numRows := oWorkBook:workSheets(1):usedRange:Rows:Count
numColumns := oWorkBook:workSheets(1):usedRange:Columns:Count
// make Array with same Size
FOR i := 1 TO numRows
can be replaced by this single line code, which is more efficient than your logic
For writing all values in a range to DBF:
Code: Select all | Expand
// Create of open dbf
( cAlias )->( FW_ExcelToDBF( oRange, [cFieldList], [lHasHeaders], [bProgress] )
FW_ExcelToDBF() --> lSuccess
Writes the contents of excel range to default alias.
1. [oRange] Defaults to used range in active worksheet if already open by the user.
2. [cFieldList]
a) NIL:
( i) If range has headers in first row: Copies contents of each column to
the field whose name is same as the header of the column. Skips when
no match is found.
(ii) If range has no headers:
Copies contents of excel columns from left to right into fields 1 to last.
- Char: Should be a comma delemited list of field names of the dbf.
( i) If range has headers in first row: Copies contents of columns with header
maching the contents of the list to fields with the same name. Skips when
no match is found.
(ii) If range has no headers:
Copies contents of excel columns from left to right into fields contained
in the list. Skips in case of no match.
- Two-dimensional array: First element of each item contains the field name and
the second element contains the corresponding header in the excel range or
number of the excel column or alpha-column number like "A", "C", "AB", etc.
3) [lHasHeaders]
- .T.: First row of the range is treated as headers and data is from 2nd row
- .F.: The sheet does not have any headers and all rows are treated as data.
- NIL: The function examines contents of 1st and 2nd rows, If 1st row contains
all character values and 2nd row contains atleast one non-characer value,
lHasHeaders defaults to .T.
Now, the suggested code for the original post is this:
Code: Select all | Expand
// Open or Create dbf
( cAlias )->( FW_ExcelToDBF( GetExcelRange( TrueName( cExcelFile ) ) ) )
instead of the 16 line code proposed by you.
This is even much simpler:
1. Open the excel book with Excel application and leave it open.
The function ExcelToDbf() will read the used range from the open workbook and write to default alias.
However what I am not sure, till I test at my end, is whether the huge data of 1000000 rows x 30 fields will create any memory issues. Also in view of the large size, it is desirable to provide progress bar.