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Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:25 pm
by Otto
Hello friends,

I changed the source code of my RDP-manager to use for Total Commander.

Here is the download link for the program, including source code.

I have been working with TotalCommander for a long time.
But I have never tried the Command line parameters.

But this is a powerful tool!
For example, I can now change both directories directly from the command line with a simple command.
C:\totalcmd\totalcmd.exe /O /T /O= c:\www\test\mh_winhotel c:\www\test\mh_dashboard
Best regards,
Otto ... parameters ... mander.txt


Re: TCMan

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:24 am
by Otto
Hello Joao,
here you see customer management in my mod harbour WINHOTEL version.
I try to "visualize" my mod harbour programs. It is a middle thing between screenshots and flowchart.
Here you see how many folders with prg files are necessary.
In the GIF you see how I can navigate TotalCommander to the propriety folder.
Best regards,
