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Timestamp DBF
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 7:03 am
by Otto
Good morning,
To determine whether a DBF file has changed, it would be good to determine the date and time of the last change.
It is sufficient to determine the date and time with the dirctory() function?
Is there a function that can access the timestamp in the DBF directly?
Best regards,
Re: Timestamp DBF
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:35 am
by anserkk
dbInfo(DBI_LASTUPDATE) --> Returns the last date on which the file was updated
The constants are defined in
I believe that it is the same as Same as LUpdate()
Re: Timestamp DBF
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:15 pm
by Otto
Hello Anser,
Thank you for your help.
I looked into the harbour manual, and it seems that LUpdate only gives back date. I need also time. So, I used directory().
All is working fine.
Best regards to you and your family
Re: Timestamp DBF
Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2022 3:49 am
by anserkk
Otto wrote:Hello Anser,
Thank you for your help.
I looked into the harbour manual, and it seems that LUpdate only gives back date. I need also time. So, I used directory().
All is working fine.
Best regards to you and your family
Nice to know that you resolved the issue.
Your Web Application developed using ModHarbour looks really good.
Convey our regards to all in your family.