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Making a test with scrollbar

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2022 9:47 am
by Silvio.Falconi
I wish move a record on a dbf with a scrollbar and show the field data of the record
but I not Know how set ON THUMBPOS

there is a sample to use scrollbar with a dbf ?

I made

@ nRow, ncol Say oSay[9] Prompt "Data Iniziale: " of oDlg SIZE 200,14 PIXEL FONT oBold
@ nRow, nCol+100 Say oSay[10] Prompt dtoc(oDbf:data) of oDlg SIZE 200,14 PIXEL FONT oFont
@ nRow, ncol SCROLLBAR oScrollInizio HORIZONTAL SIZE 400,20 PIXEL OF oDlg ;
RANGE 1,oDbf:OrdKeyCount() ;
ON UP ( oDbf:Skip(-1) , oSay[10]:refresh());
ON DOWN (oDbf:Skip(), oSay[10]:refresh());