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Hide/show group columns on line

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 7:16 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Can I show or hide a group of columns of a xbrowse ?

sample :
@ nRow ,nCol CHECKBOX aChk[1] VAR ::lBa PROMPT ::aRuote[1] SIZE 100, 20 OF oGrS1 ;
ON CHANGE hidexbrowse( ::oLbx,::lBa)

Function hidexbrowse( ::oLbx,::lBa)
local i,oCol

do case
case ::lba = .t.
nInit := 2
nEnd:= 6

for i= nInit to nEnd
oCol := ::oLbx:aCols[ i ]
return nil