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xBrowse function

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 9:19 am
by Otto
Dear Mr. Rao,
can you please tell me where I find function:

XEval( bSetUp, oBrw )

Can you please post some sample code how these codeblocks could look like:

Best regards,

XBrowse( uData, cTitle, lAutoSort, bSetUp, aCols, bSelect, lExcel, lFastEdit, ;
bValid, cSerial, lNoModal, lAutoFit )

Re: xBrowse function

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:37 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
XEval( bSetUp, oBrw )

function XEval is in \source\function\valblank.prg

Code: Select all | Expand

retval := XEval( bBlock, params, ... )

is equivalent to

Code: Select all | Expand

if ValType( bBlock ) == "B"
   retval := Eval( bBlock, params,...)

Will post samples with usage of the codeblocks in my next post.

Re: xBrowse function

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2022 2:13 pm
by nageswaragunupudi

Code: Select all | Expand

XBrowse( "STATES.DBF", "States in USA", .f. ;
         { |oBrw| oBrw:nMarqeeStyle := 1 } )


Code: Select all | Expand

cSelected := nil
XBrowse( "STATES.DBF", "States", .f., ;
         nil, nil, ; // bSetup, aCols
         { |oBrw,oSelectedCol| cSelected := oSelectedCol:Value } )
if cSelected == nil
   ? "none selected"
   ? cSelected

bValid is the Valid clause of the dialog.
{ |oBrw| IsValid }

Re: xBrowse function

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:52 am
by Otto
Dear Mr. Rao,

Thank you for your help. I'm waiting for the other examples.

I have started programming a wizard.

I will use WebView2 for the input screens.

It is a good exercise to get more familiar with web development and also mod harbour.

The programming of the input masks is very comfortable.
To keep the source code simple, clear and readable I use a patcher.

This is the part how we get a HARBOUR hash value into the Webview2.

<?prg return hb_jsonEncode( hTmp[ 'BSETUP' ] , .T. )?>

Best regards,,

Code: Select all | Expand


<form class="row g-3 border p-3 shadow-lg">  
    $-> TEXTAREA : id=paste; label=paste; text=XBrowse( cAlias , "This is my title, subtitle , test neu", .F. , { |oBrw| oBrw:nMarqeeStyle := 1 }, {"Col1","Col2"},{ |oBrw,oSelectedCol| cSelected := oSelectedCol:Value } , lExcel, lFastEdit,{ |oBrw| IsValid }, cSerial, lNoModal, lAutoFit )
    $-> INPUT : id=uData; label=Überschrift; value= <?prg return hb_jsonEncode( hTmp[ 'UDATA' ] , .T. )?>
    $-> CHECKBOX : id=lAutoSort; label=lAutoSort
    $-> TEXTAREA : id=bSetUp; label=bSetUp; text=<?prg return hb_jsonEncode( hTmp[ 'BSETUP' ] , .T. )?>
    $-> TEXTAREA : id=aCols; label=aCols; text=<?prg return hb_jsonEncode( hTmp[ 'ACOLS' ] , .T. )?>
    $-> TEXTAREA : id=bSelect; label=bSelect; text=<?prg return hb_jsonEncode( hTmp[ 'BSELECT' ] , .T. )?>
    $-> CHECKBOX : id=lExcel; label=lExcel
    $-> CHECKBOX : id=lFastEdit; label=lFastEdit
    $-> TEXTAREA : id=bValid; label=bValid; text=<?prg return hb_jsonEncode( hTmp[ 'BVALID' ] , .T. )?>
    $-> TEXTAREA : id=cSlNo; label=cSlNo; text=<?prg return hb_jsonEncode( hTmp[ 'CSLNO' ] , .T. )?>
    $-> CHECKBOX : id=lNoModal; label=lNoModal
    $-> CHECKBOX : id=lAutoFit; label=lAutoFit
    <div class="col-md-12 py-3">
        <button class="btn btn-lg btn-success me-2"  onclick="save()"  type="button">SAVE</button>
        <button class="btn btn-lg btn-outline-secondary"  onclick="alert('Abbruch')"  type="button">CANCEL</button>

example TEXTAREA
<div class="form-floating">
    <textarea class="form-control" placeholder="Leave a comment here" id="|id|" style="height: 80px">|text|
    <label for="|id|">|label|</label>


cTmp := StrToken( cTmp2, 1, "," )
lNoModal := cTmp
nlencTmp := len( cTmp )
cTmp2 := ALLTRIM( SUBSTR( cTmp2, ( nlencTmp + 2 ) ) )
// lAutoFit
cTmp := StrToken( cTmp2, 1, "," )
cTmp := STRTRAN(cTmp, ")", "")
lAutoFit := cTmp
nlencTmp := len( cTmp )
cTmp2 := ALLTRIM( SUBSTR( cTmp2, ( nlencTmp + 2 ) ) )

hTmp[ 'uData' ] := uData  
hTmp[ 'cTitle' ] := cTitle  
hTmp[ 'lAutoSort' ] := lAutoSort  
hTmp[ 'bSetUp' ] := bSetUp  
hTmp[ 'aCols' ] := aCols    
hTmp[ 'bSelect' ] := bSelect
hTmp[ 'lExcel' ] := lExcel
hTmp[ 'lFastEdit' ] := lFastEdit
hTmp[ 'bValid' ] := bValid
hTmp[ 'cSlNo' ] := cSlNo
hTmp[ 'lNoModal' ] := lNoModal
hTmp[ 'lAutoFit' ] := lAutoFit      


Re: xBrowse function

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:09 pm
by Otto
Now I can resolve virtually any source code function call to the variables and edit in AUTOCODE with a wizard.
