I'm trying to get acces to a table using ADO.
I do my Ado connection with this
Code: Select all | Expand
oAp:oMySql:= FW_OpenAdoConnection( { "MYSQL", cServer, cDataBase, cUser, cPassWord }, .t. )
Now I need to open a Table using this code
Code: Select all | Expand
oTable:=TRecSet():New():Open( cSql, oAp:oMySql )
For this line, I need to retrieve a Logical field, I set this field as BIT
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 5.7, 22 CHECKBOX oTable:Married PROMPT "Married" UPDATE OF oDlg //Line 51
But not matter if I switch BIT or TINYINT, I always get this error message
Time from start: 0 hours 0 mins 16 secs
Error occurred at: 21/08/2022, 13:06:04
Error description: Error BASE/1070 Argument error: ==
[ 1] = L .F.
[ 2] = N 1
Stack Calls
Called from: .\source\classes\TRECSET.PRG => TRECSET:FIELDPUT( 596 )
Called from: .\source\classes\TRECSET.PRG => TRECSET:_MARRIED( 1286 )
Called from: source\Core\Ventas\test.prg => (b)TEST( 51 )
Please advise and thanks in advance