Dear Antonio,
The only problem I have noticed so far with Mod Harbour original was mentioned in the following forum post:
AJAX - DBF - Callback ... 03&start=0
Otherwise, I have never had problems, and if I did, it was due to my error. For example, I use memowrit() for logging. I noticed that if the log files become quite large, using memoread() and appending can cause a timeout from the server. However, this is a conceptual error on my part.
I think it would be very useful if we could make all the versions—V1, V2.1, CGI—somewhat code compatible or unify the development into a single mod.
One thing I think, maybe not for the 60+ generation but for the younger ones, is the need for a web version of their programs.
Best regards,
mod harbour - Vamos a la conquista de la Web