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change on line header of xbrowse

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 7:58 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
I have a xbrowse and show an array but have different header

I explain you

the array is called aArray and it is calculate with two option

the first have this header


the second have this header


I change the type of array from a combo


Array 1 option 1
Array 2 option 3

I try with oBrw:ResetBrowse() but it reset the array on oBrw but not the header ( and groupheader)

How I can Make ?

Re: change on line header of xbrowse

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:01 pm
by cmsoft
Silvio, creo que debeías rehacer los encabezados con una funcion en el ON CHANGE

Code: Select all | Expand

ON CHANGE (oBrw:ResetBrowse(),aArray := Build_Array(), oBrw:SetArray(aArray),Build_Title())

Re: change on line header of xbrowse

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 5:23 am
by Silvio.Falconi
cmsoft wrote:Silvio, creo que debeías rehacer los encabezados con una funcion en el ON CHANGE

Code: Select all | Expand

ON CHANGE (oBrw:ResetBrowse(),aArray := Build_Array(), oBrw:SetArray(aArray),Build_Title())

It go ok with your sample
then when i create another type of Array ,
resetbrowse erase the old Array but not the old acols(header and supergroupheader)