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Xbrowse can read Jason... but I can not ...

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:30 pm
by Marc Venken
More the once I tried to read a jason code from a API request. No problem if the Jason of Hash (not always clear for me) has only simple Header and value.
Reading become difficult when there are complex strings inside the Jason.

Xbrowse can read the initial data, but also the more complex one because xbrowse will cal a new xbrowse and voila... the more deeper headers and data will show.

Otto had a simular topic, but it ended with "almost done..."

The functions for hashes did not give me the solution.

Can someone post the solution to grap all the data that are deeper inside the code ?

I want the 400 value as a variable :

MsgRun( cLink, "READING FORUM PAGE", { || uResponse := WebPageContents( cLink, .t. ) } )

uResponse = substr(uResponse,1,len(uResponse)-1)
hb_JsonDecode( uResponse, @hDatos ) // -> Hash

nOfferte = hDatos["isQuotation"] // to hash

All the hDatos single headers I can get and read, but not the complex ones

I saw a sample in a other program language doing something like : nOfferte = hDatos["isQuotation"] ["Second header"]
The solution is not needed from insite Xbrowse, a function that extract is ok.

Otto, Did you solve you Topic for the same thing? I also need to save to DBF, but need for HW and not the system that you use be now.


Re: Xbrowse can read Jason... but I can not ...

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 6:17 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
For Hashes containing nested hashes/arrays, use HashTree.

XBROWSER HashTree( hHash )