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Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:56 am
by Silvio.Falconi

Code: Select all | Expand

Menuitem "Save as Html" ACTION oGrid:ToHTML()

Why ask me a Spreadsheet software ?
and if the user not have Excel or Openoffice or another spreadsheet cannot converte the xbrowse datas into html ?

and with oBrw:ToHtml() anyway I couldn't

for the header and for the cells, set the font, style, space, background color, text color

I tested

Code: Select all | Expand

Function testHtml(oDbf)
    HB_MEMOWRIT( "cust.html", oDbf:FW_DbfToHTML() )
   ShellExecute( 0, "Open", "cust.html" )
   return nil

and seem run ok

But I cannot change the styles , where I found FW_DbfToHTML ?

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:39 am
by Otto
Silvio, I am really happy to see you at the HTML path.

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 8:49 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Otto wrote:Silvio, I am really happy to see you at the HTML path.

only to converte xbrowse "lotto" into html because someone ask me it

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:23 am
by Antonio Linares

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 9:28 am
by Silvio.Falconi

I have only been back to work at school for three days, I can go down the stairs but I cannot go up them, to go up I use the elevator

I tested

Function testHtml(oDbf)
HB_MEMOWRIT( "cust.html", oDbf:FW_DbfToHTML() )
ShellExecute( 0, "Open", "cust.html" )
return nil

but I couldn't

for the header and for the cells, set the font, style, space, background color, text color

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 10:43 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Antonio, Otto
I made a test only in five minutes, not use Bootstrap only css


Code: Select all | Expand



#include ""

// NO USe Bootstrap  only css

Function DbfToHtml()
local cTxt,y,astruct


astruct := CUST->( DBSTRUCT() )

cTxt ="<HTML>"+CRLF
cTXT+="<!-- style css-->"+CRLF
cTXT+="<style>                               "+CRLF
cTXT+=" #customers {                                 "+CRLF
cTXT+="  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;  "+CRLF
cTXT+="  border-collapse: collapse;                  "+CRLF
cTXT+="  width: 100%;                                "+CRLF
cTXT+="}                                             "+CRLF
cTXT+=" #customers td, #customers th {               "+CRLF
cTXT+="  border: 1px solid #ddd;                     "+CRLF
cTXT+="  padding: 2px;                               "+CRLF
cTXT+="}                                             "+CRLF
cTXT+="  #customers tr:nth-child(even){background-color: #f2f2f2;}  "+CRLF
cTXT+="                                                             "+CRLF
cTXT+="  #customers tr:hover {background-color: #ddd;}              "+CRLF
cTXT+="   #customers th {                                           "+CRLF
cTXT+="   padding-top: 12px;                                        "+CRLF
cTXT+="   padding-bottom: 12px;                                     "+CRLF
cTXT+="   text-align: left;                                         "+CRLF
cTXT+="   background-color: #04AA6D;                                "+CRLF
cTXT+="   color: white;                                             "+CRLF
cTXT+="  }                                                          "+CRLF
cTXT+="</style>                               "+CRLF
cTXT+="<!-- style css-->"+CRLF

cTXT+="<BODY>                  "+CRLF

cTXT+="<h1>"+Alias()+"</h1>    "+CRLF

cTXT+="<!-- responsive on -->"+CRLF
cTXT+="<div style='overflow-x:auto;'> "+CRLF

cTXT+="<table id='customers'>  "+CRLF
cTXT+="  <thead>                  "+CRLF

      For i= 1 to Len(astruct)
         cTXT+="    <th>" + astruct[i][1] + "</th>     "+CRLF
    cTXT+="  </thead                 "+CRLF

   do while !eof()
           for y=1 to fcount()
             cTxt+="<td>"+cValToChar(fieldget( y ))+"</td>"+CRLF
cTXT+="<!-- responsive off -->"+CRLF
cTxt+="</div> "+CRLF

HB_MEMOWRIT( "cust.html", cTxt )
ShellExecute( 0, "Open", "cust.html" )
return nil


of course you can select the size with
padding: 2px; I put 8px

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:23 pm
by Marc Venken

some years ago i made html the old way, but I had total control of all elements, like you prefere.
I used Dreanweaver or any program that edit html and I made a design there, including visual and tables. I than looked at the code and implemeted this into FWcode like below.

The top lines of the html file you can put into a small file and read this file before usinf fw code. that changes for every record.

cFile = "c:\maveco\website\catalog.htm"
FCatalog := FCREATE(cFile)
FWRITE(FCatalog, MEMOREAD("c:\maveco\html\catbase.htm") + chr(10) ) // This file contains the first lines of the html file that are always the same.
// from here the FWcode to generate html

You may consider this...

Code: Select all | Expand

Function CreateOneHtmlPag()  // Dbf is already open !!

   cFile = "c:\maveco\website\html\maveco folder\pag"+alltrim(fotoinde->code)+".htm"
   Fzoeken := FCREATE(cFile)

   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  "<html>" + chr(10)  )
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  "<head>" + chr(10) )
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<title>'+alltrim(fotoinde->titel)+'</title>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">'  + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</HEAD> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" background="../../Internet%20Sources/Achtergrond.jpg" leftmargin="30">' + chr(10))

   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<tr>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td colspan="4"> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<div align="center"><font color="#0000FF"><b><font size="5">'+alltrim(fotoinde->titel) +'</font></b></font></div> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</td> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</tr> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<tr>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td width="140" height="99">  ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<div align="center"><font color="#0000FF" size="5">'+alltrim(fotoinde->code)+'</font></div> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</td> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td colspan="3" valign="top" height="77">' + chr(10))
   aText = formatMemo("FOTOPAG",fotoinde->info)
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<p><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">' + chr(10))
   for mTel = 1 to Len(aText)
      FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aText[mTel])+'<br>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</font></p> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</td> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</tr> ' + chr(10))

   aInfo:={"","","",""} // 4 lege velden
   aHtmlArtNr :={"","","",""}
   aHtmlNom1 :={"","","",""}
   aHtmlNom2 :={"","","",""}
   nPosPag = 1
   do while fotodata->code = fotoinde->code
      if  empty(fotodata->artikel_nr)
      if artikel->(rlock())
         artikel->fotopag = fotoinde->code
         artikel->online  = "PAG "+fotoinde->code
      aPic150[nPosPag] = "c:\pictures\web150\"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg"
      aPic400[nPosPag] = "
      if file(aPic150[nPosPag])
           cTarget = lower("
           copy file &(aPic150[nPosPag])  to &cTarget
      if file(aPic400[nPosPag])
           cTarget = lower("
           copy file &(aPic400[nPosPag])  to &cTarget
      aHtmlFoto150[nPosPag] = '"
../../images/'+lower(substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3))+lower(substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2))+lower(substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2))+'.jpg" '
      //aHtmlFoto400[nPosPag] = "
'../../images/b"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg' "
      aHtmlArtNr[nPosPag] = lower(fotodata->artikel_nr)
      aHtmlNom1[nPosPag] = left(fotodata->benaming,25)
      aHtmlNom2[nPosPag] = substr(fotodata->benaming,26)
      aHtmlArtNr[nPosPag] = fotodata->artikel_nr

      nPosPag ++
      if nPosPag = 5 .or. fotodata->code <> fotoinde->code
         FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<tr> ' + chr(10))
            for mDat = 1 to 4
               FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td width="
160" height="140"> ' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<div align="
center">' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<a href="
../../zoekindex.php?loc=zoekdetail&pcode=true&perform_query=true&pcode_query=' + lower(alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[mDat])) + '">' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<img src=' + lower(aHtmlFoto150[mDat]) + ' alt="
Klik om te vergroten" border = "0" vspace="5" hspace="5" align="top" ></a></div>' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<font size="
1">' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlNom1[m])+'<br>'+ chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlNom2[m])+ chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<br><b><font size="
2">' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[m]) + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</b></font></div>' + chr(10))
               FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</td> ' + chr(10))
         FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</tr> ' + chr(10))
         FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<tr> ' + chr(10))
            for mDat = 1 to 4
               if empty(aHtmlArtNr[mDat])
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td width="
160" height="26" > ' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td width="
160" height="26" bgcolor="#72B8B8"> ' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<div align="
center">' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<a href="
../../zoekindex.php?loc=zoekdetail&pcode=true&perform_query=true&pcode_query=' + alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[m]) + '">' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<img src=' + aHtmlFoto150[m] + ' alt="
Klik om te vergroten" border = "0" vspace="5" hspace="5" align="top" ></a> <br>' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<b><font size="
2">' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  lower(alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[mDat]))+'<br>' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</b><font size="
1">' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlNom1[mDat])+'<br>'+ chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlNom2[mDat])+ chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</font></div>' + chr(10))
         FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</tr> ' + chr(10))
         nPosPag = 1
","","",""} // 4 lege velden
         aHtmlArtNr :={"
         aHtmlNom1 :={"
         aHtmlNom2 :={"
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</table>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</body>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</html>' + chr(10))

Result something like this :


Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 12:25 pm
by Marc Venken
To late for my post ))))) :lol: :lol:

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 1:49 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
Marc Venken wrote:Silvio,

some years ago i made html the old way, but I had total control of all elements, like you prefere.
I used Dreanweaver or any program that edit html and I made a design there, including visual and tables. I than looked at the code and implemeted this into FWcode like below.

The top lines of the html file you can put into a small file and read this file before usinf fw code. that changes for every record.

cFile = "c:\maveco\website\catalog.htm"
FCatalog := FCREATE(cFile)
FWRITE(FCatalog, MEMOREAD("c:\maveco\html\catbase.htm") + chr(10) ) // This file contains the first lines of the html file that are always the same.
// from here the FWcode to generate html

You may consider this...

Code: Select all | Expand

Function CreateOneHtmlPag()  // Dbf is already open !!

   cFile = "c:\maveco\website\html\maveco folder\pag"+alltrim(fotoinde->code)+".htm"
   Fzoeken := FCREATE(cFile)

   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  "<html>" + chr(10)  )
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  "<head>" + chr(10) )
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<title>'+alltrim(fotoinde->titel)+'</title>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">'  + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</HEAD> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" background="../../Internet%20Sources/Achtergrond.jpg" leftmargin="30">' + chr(10))

   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0"> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<tr>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td colspan="4"> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<div align="center"><font color="#0000FF"><b><font size="5">'+alltrim(fotoinde->titel) +'</font></b></font></div> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</td> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</tr> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<tr>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td width="140" height="99">  ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<div align="center"><font color="#0000FF" size="5">'+alltrim(fotoinde->code)+'</font></div> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</td> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td colspan="3" valign="top" height="77">' + chr(10))
   aText = formatMemo("FOTOPAG",fotoinde->info)
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<p><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">' + chr(10))
   for mTel = 1 to Len(aText)
      FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aText[mTel])+'<br>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</font></p> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</td> ' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</tr> ' + chr(10))

   aInfo:={"","","",""} // 4 lege velden
   aHtmlArtNr :={"","","",""}
   aHtmlNom1 :={"","","",""}
   aHtmlNom2 :={"","","",""}
   nPosPag = 1
   do while fotodata->code = fotoinde->code
      if  empty(fotodata->artikel_nr)
      if artikel->(rlock())
         artikel->fotopag = fotoinde->code
         artikel->online  = "PAG "+fotoinde->code
      aPic150[nPosPag] = "c:\pictures\web150\"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg"
      aPic400[nPosPag] = "
      if file(aPic150[nPosPag])
           cTarget = lower("
           copy file &(aPic150[nPosPag])  to &cTarget
      if file(aPic400[nPosPag])
           cTarget = lower("
           copy file &(aPic400[nPosPag])  to &cTarget
      aHtmlFoto150[nPosPag] = '"
../../images/'+lower(substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3))+lower(substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2))+lower(substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2))+'.jpg" '
      //aHtmlFoto400[nPosPag] = "
'../../images/b"+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,1,3)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,5,2)+substr(artikel->artikel_nr,8,2)+".jpg' "
      aHtmlArtNr[nPosPag] = lower(fotodata->artikel_nr)
      aHtmlNom1[nPosPag] = left(fotodata->benaming,25)
      aHtmlNom2[nPosPag] = substr(fotodata->benaming,26)
      aHtmlArtNr[nPosPag] = fotodata->artikel_nr

      nPosPag ++
      if nPosPag = 5 .or. fotodata->code <> fotoinde->code
         FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<tr> ' + chr(10))
            for mDat = 1 to 4
               FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td width="
160" height="140"> ' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<div align="
center">' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<a href="
../../zoekindex.php?loc=zoekdetail&pcode=true&perform_query=true&pcode_query=' + lower(alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[mDat])) + '">' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<img src=' + lower(aHtmlFoto150[mDat]) + ' alt="
Klik om te vergroten" border = "0" vspace="5" hspace="5" align="top" ></a></div>' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<font size="
1">' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlNom1[m])+'<br>'+ chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlNom2[m])+ chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<br><b><font size="
2">' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[m]) + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</b></font></div>' + chr(10))
               FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</td> ' + chr(10))
         FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</tr> ' + chr(10))
         FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<tr> ' + chr(10))
            for mDat = 1 to 4
               if empty(aHtmlArtNr[mDat])
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td width="
160" height="26" > ' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<td width="
160" height="26" bgcolor="#72B8B8"> ' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<div align="
center">' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<a href="
../../zoekindex.php?loc=zoekdetail&pcode=true&perform_query=true&pcode_query=' + alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[m]) + '">' + chr(10))
//                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<img src=' + aHtmlFoto150[m] + ' alt="
Klik om te vergroten" border = "0" vspace="5" hspace="5" align="top" ></a> <br>' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '<b><font size="
2">' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  lower(alltrim(aHtmlArtNr[mDat]))+'<br>' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</b><font size="
1">' + chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlNom1[mDat])+'<br>'+ chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  alltrim(aHtmlNom2[mDat])+ chr(10))
                  FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</font></div>' + chr(10))
         FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</tr> ' + chr(10))
         nPosPag = 1
","","",""} // 4 lege velden
         aHtmlArtNr :={"
         aHtmlNom1 :={"
         aHtmlNom2 :={"
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</table>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</body>' + chr(10))
   FWRITE(Fzoeken,  '</html>' + chr(10))

Result something like this :


I wanted only a HTML from xbrowse or dbf with the possibility to set font and colore for header and Cell
On the next week i made a Easy function because with fw_dbftohtml() you cannot set anything

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 2:15 pm
by Antonio Linares
Dear Silvio,

fw_dbftohtml() is a function, not a method. Don't call it as a method.

Please review the example that I pointed you to

Please do it this way:

Code: Select all | Expand

   HB_MEMOWRIT( "c:\fwh\samples\cust.html", FW_DbfToHTML() )
   ShellExecute( 0, "Open", "c:\fwh\samples\cust.html" )
   return nil

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 6:48 pm
by Silvio.Falconi
Antonio Linares wrote:Dear Silvio,

fw_dbftohtml() is a function, not a method. Don't call it as a method.

Please review the example that I pointed you to

Please do it this way:

Code: Select all | Expand

   HB_MEMOWRIT( "c:\fwh\samples\cust.html", FW_DbfToHTML() )
   ShellExecute( 0, "Open", "c:\fwh\samples\cust.html" )
   return nil


I allready tested it I want to set some things: ( need and ask from customer)

1. the name of the window
2. the name of the schedule ( name list on html)
3. the Font character of the header
4. the font of the cells
5. the height of the header (normal or bold)
6. the height of the cells (normal or bold)
7. the space of both the header and the cells (padding)
8. the color of the header border
9 the color of the cell border
10. the background color
11. the color of the text
12. create a responsive html web page

the FW_DbfToHTML () function doesn't do these things ( it create a webpage with css from bootstrap )
and the oBrw: toHtml () method of xbrowse class won't work if you don't have spreadsheet software installed on your computer

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:30 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Silvio,

time to learn some HTML my friend :-)

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 6:57 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Antonio Linares wrote:Dear Silvio,

time to learn some HTML my friend :-)

I know well the html language, php, flash java, javascript , wordpress, joomla and other

since I have been working at school for thirty-five years and for about twenty I have been creating websites and portals,

do I have to list the sites that I have created?

indeed , that little program I created above I did it in just five minutes in pure html and css without using gimmicks such as bootstrap

maybe someone else needs to learn html language, certainly not me

If you look closely at my script (posted above) it is very different from yours

1. I don't use bootstrap
2 is responsive
3 when you hover the mouse over the records light up

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:14 am
by Antonio Linares
Dear Silvio,

my apologizes, I missunderstood you

Re: Xbrowse to Html

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 7:34 am
by Silvio.Falconi
Antonio Linares wrote:Dear Silvio,

my apologizes, I missunderstood you

Dear Antonio,

I don't love the Internet but I use it to work,

I don't like making websites and web portals but I do it to work, I am very opposed to having an internet application on a browser because I would face many risks, one of all not having to work due to of the connection missing.

I see it every day at school, the secretaries of my institute all use government applications that are exclusively on the internet but that day when for one reason or another the internet does not work, the secretaries remain with their arms crossed and do nothing .

If you do not have an application that works locally you cannot work well, unfortunately in my reality the internet is an incogita when you think that there is a connection here that the connection is blocked for days and what you do you stay still until the connection returns ?

the customer to whom I am doing the lotto program has had a serious problem, it is not possible to have the program update as the programmer who created the software died due to covid about a year ago

and I used some of my old lottery procedures to create something that looks like the software the customer had