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2 data rows in one cell from Xbrowse

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 10:55 am
by Marc Venken
In my dbf I have
12 fields with colornames
12 fields with pictures (belong to the colornames)

color1 : Black
Pic1 : black.jpg

color2 : Green
pic2 : green.jpg

.... until 12 (1-12)

In Xbrowse I show the pictures and the filename is also included.

Is it possible that also the colornaam from the field color1 is shown into the cel where the picture is show.

cell :

foto itself

Code: Select all | Expand

       for i = 1 to 12
          cPic = "pic"+alltrim(str(i))
          WITH OBJECT:&cpic
              :bStrImage     := { || "d:\pictures\origineel\"+alltrim(webshop->&cPic) }
              :oDataFont     := oFontXS
              :nDataStrAlign := AL_CENTER + AL_BOTTOM
              :nDataBmpAlign := AL_CENTER
              :aImgRect      := { nil, nil, -15, nil }

Re: 2 data rows in one cell from Xbrowse

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 1:09 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
12 fields with colornames
12 fields with pictures (belong to the colornames)
Does the DBF has 12 + 12 = 24 fields?
Do you want to show two fields ( color,image) in each xbrowse column? Total 12 columns?
How many records?

Re: 2 data rows in one cell from Xbrowse

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2022 7:30 pm
by Marc Venken
The dbf has indeed 12 + 12 fields = 24 pic1,pic2,...pic12 and color1,color2,...color12

As below, xbrowse can show the filename below the picture, because the filename is in the field ex. pic1 = blank.jpg
but the color name is insite the field color1 and match pic1 for the file ...

I was able to show the colornames in the footer corresponding the picture, but that is for the selected row. This will help me, but maybe Xbrowse can also put the colorname insite the cell as the Top

In this picture you zee a field : Kleuren where colornames are show lik "Zwart, Gray, Blue ,etc" but this field is not used for this. The 12 fields color1->12 are not shown in the browse (At this point also not selected as DATA)


Re: 2 data rows in one cell from Xbrowse

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:49 am
by Otto
Hello Mark,
you can use webview2.
best regards,


Re: 2 data rows in one cell from Xbrowse

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 7:12 am
by Marc Venken

Thanks, but I stick with FW as it is. I'm able to do almost anything I want with FW, so no need for extra's in my case ....

The program is also only for local use.