Add a line on report from xbrowse (NO HTML)
Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 2:39 pm
in a Report type printout created with the Treport class and printed from an Xbrowse table I have this problem:

After the text "Provincia:AG" there is a list of cities
I would like to add a white line after the text "Provincia:AG"
I create the prints using xbrowse's method Report()
on MySetup function I insert the Group sintax
I wish the Line after the header {|| aGroup[nGroup]+" :"+oRep:aGroups[1]:cValue},;
How I can resolve ?
I allready try with oRep:bStartGroup := { || oRep:Newline() } NOT RUN OK
If I insert oRep:bStartLine := { || oRep:Newline() } then inser newline after the header but insert lines also another part ( each line od records)
as you can see here

After the text "Provincia:AG" there is a list of cities
I would like to add a white line after the text "Provincia:AG"
I create the prints using xbrowse's method Report()
Code: Select all | Expand
oBrw:Report( cTitle, , , ;
{ |oRep, oBrw| MySetUp( oRep, oBrw, oDbf,aGroup,nGroup,lEject,aCampi ) } )
Code: Select all | Expand
AAdd(oRep:aGroups,trGroup():New( bCampo2( afields, nGroup,oDbf ),; //campo
{|| aGroup[nGroup]+" :"+oRep:aGroups[1]:cValue},; //header
{|| "Totale "+aGroup[nGroup]+": "+oRep:aGroups[1]:cValue+" ("+ltrim(str(oRep:aGroups[1]:nCounter))+")"},; //footer
{|| 1 },; // Font
.f.,oRep)) //leject
oRep:bPostGroup := { || oRep:Newline() }
How I can resolve ?
I allready try with oRep:bStartGroup := { || oRep:Newline() } NOT RUN OK
If I insert oRep:bStartLine := { || oRep:Newline() } then inser newline after the header but insert lines also another part ( each line od records)
as you can see here