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Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:34 pm
by patili
Hi everybody may be i am becoming crazy, but I have a small problem with the report engine, but i am a beginner with Fivewin and i think you will laugh,but you can help me
I have a database with 25 fields
How can i a make a report with data sorted by field


title fieldname(i)

column field(1) when field(i)#0
column field(2) when field(i)#0
column field(i) when field(i)#0
total for field(i)

title fieldname(i+1)

column field(1) when field(i+1)#0
column field(2) when field(i+1)#0
column field(i+1) when field(i+1)#0
total for field(i+1)

title fieldname(i+2)
column field(1) when field(i+2)#0
column field(2) when field(i+2)#0
column field(i+2) when field(i+2)#0
total for field(i+2)

etc etc

Thanks for your help

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:25 am
by Detlef Hoefner

because i do not really understand your problem this may be a poor advice.

Perhaps you could work with a temporary dbf file and fill it's records by mean of something like :

Code: Select all | Expand

tmp->( fieldput( n, ( your_alias )->( fieldget( n ) ) ) )

Or could you provide some more details that i get a better idea of your task.

Best regards,

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:07 pm
by patili

database structure:

field 1 : cash
field 2: credit card
fied 3 : VAT
field 4 : drug
field 5 : rental
field 6 : material
field 7: salary
field 8: assurance
etc etc
It is for a personal comptability

I need a report like that

title "DRUGS"

order cash c card vat

achat 100 0 15.6
autre 0 200 7.2

total 100 200 22.8

title "RENTAL"

order cash c card vat

location 1000 156

total 1000 156

title "MATERIAL"

order cash c card vat

drill 500 750
hammer 10 1.56

total 10 500 751.56

etc etc for all fields when this fields are not empty

When i use "Group" it didn't work like i want

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:19 pm
by patili
I've found a solution:
I make a for-next loop and create one report for each field
It work good but

Can everybody say me how to mask the window

"Fivewin report" Printing page.. at each report
It is very long

And how to suppress the page eject between each report

Or any other idea
