Yes, return value is array , but I cannot read.
Here the reference of GetreaderInfo :
Function Description :
This function is used to get reader-related information such as reader address, firmware version , available protocol type ,and inventoryScanTime.
Usage :
Int GetReaderInfo ( unsigned char *address, unsigned char *pOUcharVerion , unsigened char *pOUcharModel , unsigned char *pOUcharSupProtocol ,unsigned char *pOUcharInventoryScanTime )
Parameter :
Address : Input/Output . Pointed to the address of the reader.
pOUcharVerion : output. Pointed to 2 byte firmware version information. The first byte is version number and the second byte is sub-version number.
pOUcharModel : output. Pointed to ther reader type byte.
pOUcharSupProtocol : output. Pointed to 2 byte supported protocol Information.
pOUcharInventoryScanTime : output. Point to the time limit for iso 15693’s inventory command.
Return :
Zero value returned when successful ,
the GetreaderInfo must return value Zero when succsesful
this is sample of c sharp :
Code: Select all | Expand
private void btnConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
readerAddr = 0xFF;
byte[] verion = new byte[2];
byte model = 0;
byte[] supProtocol = new byte[2];
byte inventoryScanTime = 0;
int result = 0x30;
result = RWDev.ConnectReader();
if (result == OK)
RWDev.GetReaderInfo(ref readerAddr, verion, ref model, supProtocol, ref inventoryScanTime);
MessageBox.Show("ConnectReader success.", "Communication");
btnConnect.Enabled = false;
btnDisconnect.Enabled = true;
MessageBox.Show("ConnectReader failed.", "Communication");
btnConnect.Enabled = true;
btnDisconnect.Enabled = false;