How Open the same dbf

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Re: How Open the same dbf

Post by TimStone »


I do comment the index order in the New method for the database, and can also specify it in a // comment when creating the object. This is actually cleaner for me than using index names.

Tim Stone
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Re: How Open the same dbf

Post by Silvio.Falconi »

are you sure ?
Perhaps not understood the problem
I used share mode, tdatabase,tdata and array
then the problem is not only to show two xbrowse with different filter but also to manage the archive for single service and multiple service, then at the end I need to open the servizi.dbf without filter to set the display orders
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
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James Bott
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Re: How Open the same dbf

Post by James Bott »


Since you are only using less than 10 records, filters are not a speed issue. If you were using a thousand records, then they would be a big speed issue.
FWH 18.05/xHarbour 1.2.3/BCC7/Windows 10
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