Happy Holidays. This new year will be blessings for all and full of success and well-being for our families.
Since the google maps somehow stopped being free even if the Key generates the monthly use of data is already limited and it is a boring wait to generate a new key every time you exceed the limit as it goes again
I have found http://www.leaflet.org which I have used and this exelente is free fast and does not pay license or keys besides it works of like lightning.
For those who want to see there, this information
How it works
1 File .htm that calls js
2 File is java scrip that you modify 2 parameters that would be a location of your area and the height you want to see the map
3 An .XML file that you generate with your FW application where you are going to put the latitude and longitude in addition to some icons and a lot of other information that it deserves to appear.
The .XML file is updated with a frequency of 30 seconds therefore if it is a follow-up you should update the XML also to refresh them
If Mr. Antonio allows to publish the use and use you may want to add it to the forum's utilities)
I leave some information
About Leaflet
An Open-Source JavaScript Library for Mobile-Friendly Interactive Maps
Leaflet, developed by Vladimir Agafonkin and a team of dedicated contributors, is a lightweight yet robust library for interactive maps and is designed with simplicity, performance and usability in mind. It is specifically aimed at being mobile-friendly. It has all the features most developers ever need for online maps. Leaflet can be extended with a very large number of plugins.
Leaflet began life in 2010 as Web Maps API, a JavaScript library for the CloudMade mapping provider. It was built from scratch but used parts of the old API code.
Leaflet works well across all major desktop and mobile platforms and takes advantage of JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 on modern browsers while still being accessible on older browsers. It allows developers without a GIS background to easily display tiled web maps hosted on a public server.
Leaflet has support for tile layers, markers, popups, polygons and more, as well as user interactions such as mouse scroll-wheel zoom on the desktop and multi-touch zoom for iOS, Android 4.0 and later, and Windows Phone 8. It can load feature data from GeoJSON files, style it and create interactive layers. This includes markers with popups when clicked. It supports Web Map Service layers, GeoJSON layers, Vector layers and Tile layers.
Leaflet code can create polygons and interactivity (including mobile touch screens and mouse clicks) on a map. It doesn’t have its own mapping data and a base map layer is needed. While a project tutorial suggests CloudMade since it initially created and open-sourced Leaflet it works with other mapping platforms too. These include MapBox and OpenStreetMap.
Leaflet is comparable to the proprietary, closed source Google Maps API and Bing Maps API.
Alucionante.. No creen