I live in Italy in Teramo.
Same thing as in Rome (EMG) and Padua (Boschi).
I have a brother who lives and is married in Florence.
I am worried about my relatives (my cousin) who live in America (texas) and my other uncles who live in BarquisimetoY do lara (Venezuela).
Sometimes I hear them on the phone
On 25 March Bulletin I saw :
Here in Italy there are
74,386 infected
7,503 dead
In the world there are:
460,989 infected
20,846 dead
113,799 hospitalized
I work in smathworking for school in the morning (with my schoolchildren and with my teaching colleagues)
in the afternoon I work on my applications
I try to work on the computer and not think about the dead and I am close to my dear parents: I have two children aged 88 and 87
Greetings to All , hopefully everything will end soon. I love you