Simple Usage:
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- FW_ShowXLSX( cFileXlsx, [cSheet] ) // --> oXlsx object
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- FW_ShowXLSX( "customer.xlsx" )
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
- FW_ShowXLSX( "wwonders.xlsx" )
The browses are fully editable and the modified data can be saved to another xlsx file by clicking the Excel button.
- Code: Select all Expand view RUN
DATA cXlsx // xlsx filename
DATA nRows,nCols // size
DATA aHead // header array
DATA aStruct
DATA aData
ACCESS oData // aData in the form of TArrayData
METHOD ReadData()
METHOD ShowData()
METHOD Range( cRange )
METHOD Cells( nRow, [anCol] )
METHOD SaveAs( cSave )
METHOD Close()/End()
1. Reads only values and data types of the cells but does not read other formatting information like font character specs or other formatting like pictures, border styles, etc.
2. Reads only scalar data and embedded images from the cells but does not read Charts and other objects embedded in the sheet.
3. Saving will save only the current tab/sheet and does not save formatting information contained in the original xlsx file.
So, please never save by over-writing the original source file.
Size Limitations:
With 32-bit applications we may face limitations with very huge size of the xlsx file. We are testing but still not sure of the limitations.
We tested with xlsx files of the following sizes:
1) 9,000,000 rows, 12 cols and file size : 87,183,538 bytes
2) 32,000 rows, 502 columns and file size: 79,998,254 bytes
Every thing worked perfectly without any problems.