there is a little problem using tbtnbmp with a brush. If i set ::ltransparent = .t., the focus-rect is not shown moving the mouse over the button. If ::lTransparent is .f., it´s working fine.
The following sample shows this issue.
Code: Select all | Expand
#Include ""
static oWnd, oBar,oB1, oBrush, oB2
Func Main()
Define Window oWnd From 0, 0 To 15, 65 ;
Title "Bar-Test "
define BRUSH oBrush FILE "Xp.bmp"
define BUTTONBAR oBar OF oWnd 3DLOOK SIZE 26,26
oBar:oBrush:= oBrush
define BUTTON oB1 OF oBar FILE "Calc.bmp" ACTION MsgInfo ("B1") NOBORDER
define BUTTON oB2 OF oBar FILE "Calendar.bmp" ACTION MsgInfo ("B2") NOBORDER
oB1:lTransparent := .t.
oB1:oBrush := oBrush
//oB2:lTransparent := .t.
oB2:oBrush := oBrush
Activate Window oWnd
Retu nil
Can anyone confirm this behavior ?
Is there a solution for this ?
kind regards