No, no he creado la clase , lo he probado directamente sobre las funciones y sobre un dialogo que estoy creando para un "generador indices" perteneciente a un proyecto mayor ( cuando tenga mas o menos decente el generador intentaré compartirlo aquí ), pero se podría usar el tutor02.prg
He revisado para hacer la clase y se me ocurre que una de las funciones sobra si modifico un poco el codigo .
Lo pongo todo completo y SIN PROBAR ( Estoy en windows) :
La clase:
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
CLASS TGroup FROM TControl
METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight, cText ,oWnd , nStyle )
METHOD SetStyle( nStyle ) INLINE boxSetStyle( ::hWnd, nStyle )
METHOD GetStyle() INLINE boxGetStyle( ::hWnd )
METHOD separator (nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd )
METHOD New( nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight, cText, oWnd , nStyle) CLASS TGroup
local hGroup := oRadMenu:hGroup
DEFAULT oWnd := GetWndDefault(), nWidth := 100, nHeight := 23 , nStyle := 1
::hWnd = BoxCreate( nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight, cText,nStyle , oWnd:hWnd )
oWnd:AddControl( Self )
return Self
METHOD Separator ( nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight, oWnd ) CLASS TGroup
local hGroup := oRadMenu:hGroup
DEFAULT oWnd := GetWndDefault(), nWidth := 100, nHeight := 23
::hWnd = BoxCreate( nRow, nCol, nWidth, nHeight, , 3 , oWnd:hWnd )
oWnd:AddControl( Self )
return Self
Las funciones :
Code: Select all | Expand
NSView * GetView( NSWindow * window );
NSBox * box = [ [ NSBox alloc ]
initWithFrame : NSMakeRect( hb_parnl( 2 ), hb_parnl( 1 ), hb_parnl( 3 ), hb_parnl( 4 ) ) ];
NSString * string = [ [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithCString: ISCHAR( 5 ) ? hb_parc( 5 ) : "" ] autorelease ];
NSWindow * window = ( NSWindow * ) hb_parnl( 7 );
[box setBoxType:hb_parnl( 6 ) ];
if ( string != NULL ) [box setTitle : string ] ;
[ GetView( window ) addSubview : box ];
hb_retnl( ( LONG ) box );
NSBox * box = ( NSBox * ) hb_parnl( 1 );
[box setBoxType : hb_parnl( 2 ) ];
NSBox * box = ( NSBox * ) hb_parnl( 1 );
hb_retnl( [ box boxType ] );
el preprocesado :
Code: Select all | Expand
#xcommand @ <nTop>, <nLeft> GROUP [ <oGroup> ] ;
[ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
[ <label:LABEL,PROMPT> <cLabel> ] ;
[ OF <oWnd> ] ;
[ STYLE <nStyle> ] ;
=> ;
[ <oGroup> := ] TGroup():New( <nTop>, <nLeft>, <nWidth>, <nHeight>,;
<cLabel>, <oWnd>, <nStyle> )
el ejemplo
Code: Select all | Expand
#include ""
function Main()
local oDlg, cFirst := Space( 20 ), cLast := Space( 20 )
local oGroup
DEFINE DIALOG oDlg TITLE "Testing Gets" ;
FROM 270, 350 TO 389, 206
@ 70,30 GROUP oGroup SIZE 200, 200 ;
PROMPT "Hola" OF oDlg ;
@ 139, 50 SAY "First:" OF oDlg SIZE 50, 17
@ 137, 108 GET cFirst OF oDlg SIZE 208, 22 ;
VALID If( Empty( cFirst ), ( MsgInfo( "Please type something" ), .f. ), .t. )
@ 98, 50 SAY "Last:" OF oDlg SIZE 50, 17
@ 96, 108 GET cLast OF oDlg SIZE 208, 22
@ 34, 83 BUTTON "OK" OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End()
@ 34, 218 BUTTON "Cancel" OF oDlg ACTION oDlg:End()
return nil