BackUp [cCondition]
Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 5:40 pm
Mr. Rao
Good morning, I have a database that has 60 tables and 2 of them have more than 400,000 records, when I use MariaDb BackUp, it cannot do the job, sometimes the connection is cut and other times it only loads about 100,000 records, is it possible that the BackUp has a clause (WHEN) to condition the process?, as well as:
BackUp( [source], [dest], [bProgress], [cCondition], [nRecsInBatch], [nMaxBufperSQL] )
where cCondition := "WHERE year(fecha_doc) > 2023", something like that.
Thank you for your time
Good morning, I have a database that has 60 tables and 2 of them have more than 400,000 records, when I use MariaDb BackUp, it cannot do the job, sometimes the connection is cut and other times it only loads about 100,000 records, is it possible that the BackUp has a clause (WHEN) to condition the process?, as well as:
BackUp( [source], [dest], [bProgress], [cCondition], [nRecsInBatch], [nMaxBufperSQL] )
where cCondition := "WHERE year(fecha_doc) > 2023", something like that.
Thank you for your time