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Error E2227 apprun.c 190: Extra parameter in call to hb_vmEx

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 1:59 am
by hua
Error E2227 apprun.c 190: Extra parameter in call to hb_vmExecute in function HB_FUN_xxxxxxx

When attempting to recompile my custom lib with FWH 7.12 and the provided xHarbour, I got a lot of error messages similar to the format stated above.

What's the cause and how to solve them? If it would help, here are the batch and make file that I've been using to generate the lib.

Batch file

Code: Select all | Expand

del bash.lib
del *.log
SET FWHDIR=j:\harbour\fwh
SET HDIR=j:\harbour\xhb
SET BCDIR=j:\harbour\bcc55
j:\harbour\bcc55\BIN\MAKE -f bash.mak

Make file (bash.mak)

Code: Select all | Expand

#.path.res = obj
#.path.c   = c
#.path.prg = prg

.SUFFIXES: .exe .obj .c

prg1.obj \

  $(HDIR)\bin\harbour.exe $< /n/w  /i$(FWHDIR)\include;$(HDIR)\include /o$@  >> bash.log

  $(BCDIR)\bin\bcc32.exe $(BCC_OPT) -c -v -o$@ -I$(FWHDIR)\include;$(HDIR)\include -DHARBOUR_USE_WIN_GTAPI -DHB_COMPAT_C53 $<   >> bash.log
  $(BCDIR)\bin\tlib.exe bash.lib /P32 + $@ >>bash.log

bash.lib : $(FiveHX_LIB_OBJS)
   echo Harbour dir: $(HDIR) >> bash.log

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:16 am
by Antonio Linares
It looks that the Harbour header files that you are using don't match with the used Harbour compiler

Please check that you are using the right .H files for that Harbour build

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:27 am
by hua
I'm not sure what went wrong, but everything seems find now that I do a 'clean' linking by deleting both .obj and .c files of my custom lib (prg's only). I was only deleting the .obj files prior to this.

Thanks for your time Antonio