December 2011
* Fix: Class TBtnBmp uses WS_TABSTOP style if NOBORDER is used and its container is a DIALOG.
* Fix: Class TWindow Method Gradient() was not properly destroying the previous brush. Now it
is ok.
* New: makefiles already availables for samples\FiveGen\* and FWH\Visual\*
* New: Started the implementation of Class TWindow Method SaveToRC() and also for inherited
* New: DATA lVThumbTrack ( DEFAULT .f. ) in xbrowse.prg. When set to .t., xbrowse scrolls when thumb
is dragged. Not suitable when data access is slow.
* Enhancement: GdiPlus Classes have been greatly enhanced. Please review samples\GdiPlus.prg
and GdiPlus2.prg
* Fix: Class TGet use of lDisColors was checking IsWindowEnable() only and not lReadOnly DATA.
Now it is ok.
* Fix: Class TMenu Method Destroy() is properly calling DelCheck2007() to solve an unreleased
bitmap, reported by John UkService in the forums:
* Fix: buttons, radios and checkboxes were erased when pressing ALT, reported by Carlos
in the forums:
* New: Class TCheckBox Method KeyChar(), thanks to Carlos Vargas:
* Fix: function FixSays() bold effect when painting has been fixed. Now it is ok.
* New: samples\pablo.prg shows how to simulate a GET caret with focus.
* Enhancement: Class TXBrowse Method Select() enhanced
case nOperation == 5 // Swap key (Shift + GoDown or GoUp)
* New: Class TDialog Method SetSize() is required now to properly call Method Gradient()
if a gradient color is being used for the dialog.
* Fix: function MsgRun() uses the dialogs gradient colors if defined.
* Fix: Class TReport properly detects if prev32.dll or prev64.dll exist. Reported from:
* Fix: Class TGet, when pasting a string on a numeric GET, reported in:
* Enhancement: The FWH debugger is working with FWH 64 also
* New: samples\wsserver.prg HTML5 WebSockets server great example. Don't miss it!
Please open samples\wstest.html to connect to the server.
* Fix: Class TButton firing actions when SkinButtons() is used. Now it is ok.
Reported in: